Hillary Clinton: Profile of Rogue Leadership By Stephen Lendman

The possibility of another Clinton or Bush becoming president in 2017 should make everyone’s blood run cold. Both represent everything wrong with America – a gangster state run by monied interests for their benefit alone, waging endless wars for power, profit and unchallenged global dominance along with governing under a homeland police state apparatus. Hillary was Washington’s 67th Secretary of …

The Hoax of Climate Denial By Naomi Oreskes

Recently, the Washington Post reported new data showing something most of us already sense: that increased polarization on Capitol Hill is due to the way the Republican Party has lurched to the right. The authors of the study use Senator John McCain to illustrate the point. McCain’s political odyssey is, in some dismaying sense, close to my own heart, since it highlights the …

Why is Obama Goading China? by MIKE WHITNEY

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter is willing to risk a war with China in order to defend  “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea. Speaking in Honolulu, Hawaii on Wednesday, Carter issued his “most forceful” warning yet, demanding “an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation” by China in the disputed Spratly Islands. Carter said:   “There should be …

Israel Thanks Obama for Sabotaging Nuclear Nonproliferation Deal – Sarah Lazare

The U.S. sabotage last week of an international agreement aimed at eradicating nuclear weapons stockpiles has been met mostly with alarm and frustration around the world—but gratitude from one key U.S. ally: Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally called U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday to thank the White House for leading the charge to block a final document that would …

The Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999, Reconsidered – PETER LEE

When I was in Beijing during the protests in 1989, a middle-aged man came up to me and asked, “Couldn’t America send some B-52s here and…” and he made a swooping motion with his hand. Ten years later, on May 7, 1999, the American bombers did show up. Instead of showering freedom ordnance on China’s dictators, however, they dropped five …

Failure of Review Conference Brings World Close to Nuclear Cataclysm, Warn Activists – Thalif Deen

After nearly four weeks of negotiations, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference ended in a predictable outcome: a text overwhelmingly reflecting the views and interests of the nuclear-armed states and some of their nuclear-dependent allies. “The process to develop the draft Review Conference outcome document was anti-democratic and nontransparent,” Ray Acheson, director, Reaching Critical Will, Women’s International League for …

Why the US is Finally Talking to Russia – Pepe Escobar

So a woman walks into a room… That’s how quite a few jokes usually start. In our case, self-appointed Queen of Nulandistan Victoria “F**k the EU” walks into a room in Moscow to talk to Russian deputy foreign ministers Sergei Ryabkov and Grigory Karasin. A joke? Oh no; that really happened. Why? Let’s start with the official reactions. Karasin qualified …

The Kids Aren’t All Right – Nick Turse

MALAKAL, South Sudan — I didn’t really think he was going to shoot me.  There was no anger in his eyes.  His finger may not have been anywhere near the trigger.  He didn’t draw a bead on me.  Still, he was a boy and he was holding an AK-47 and it was pointed in my direction. It was unnerving. I …

U.S. Wakes up to “New Silk World Order” – Pepe Escobar

History may signal it all started with this week’s trip to Sochi, led by their paperboy, Secretary of State John Kerry, who met with Foreign Minister Lavrov and then with President Putin. Arguably, a visual reminder clicked the bells for the real Masters of the Universe; the PLA marching in Red Square on Victory Day side by side with the …

U.S. Hosts Arms Bazaar at White House Arab Summit – Thalif Deen

When the United States sells billions of dollars in sophisticated arms to Arab nations, they are conditioned on two key factors: no weapons with a qualitative military edge over Israel will ever be sold to the Arabs, nor will they receive any weapons that are not an integral part of the U.S. arsenal. But against the backdrop of a White …