Progressive Radio Network

John Michael Greer

Dark Age America: Climate Change, Cultural Collapse and the difficult future ahead for us
A few months from now, this blog will complete its tenth year of more-or-less-weekly publication. In words the Grateful Dead made famous, it’s been a…
Last week, after a great deal of debate, the passengers aboard theTitanic voted to impose modest limits sometime soon on the rate at which water is…
John Michael Greer is one of America’s most insightful historical philosophers, a futurist and independent scholar, environmentalist, expert in energy and peak oil studies, and…
Regular readers of this blog know that I generally avoid partisan politics in the essays posted here. There are several reasons for that unpopular habit,…
Of all the wistful superstitions that cluster around the concept of the future in contemporary popular culture, the most enduring has to be the notion…