Energy Stew – Jennifer Gehl – 03.10.17

Are your cosmic foundations in place? – Energy Stew interview with Jennifer Gehl

We are complex, multi-dimensional beings who are affected by many cosmic forces. The more we are aware of them, the more we can manage them, at least to some degree.

We can make better choices when we know more about ourselves.

Jennifer Gehl has written a wonderful, richly detailed book about the dynamic, energetic nature of the reality we live in, “The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine”.

You’ll enjoy this interview that will cover many deep understandings that she writes about.

Energy Stew – Nicholas E. Brink – 05.20.16

Save the planet through trance journeys?

Perhaps trance journeys that bring us into intimate contact with Earth intelligence can awaken us to our profound connection with it. Nicholas E. Brink has authored a number of important books about trance journeying. His new book Trance Journeys of the Hunter-Gatherers, Ecstatic Practices to Reconnect with the Great Mother and Heal the Earth focuses on advanced methods to journey to many different intelligences that populate our planet such as the animal and vegetable kingdoms. These are shamanic journeys using different postures that result in different experiences. In these journeys, we become more at one with the different kingdoms we travel through.

Tune in to learn more about this fascinating way to reconnect with the Earth Mother.