The Conspiracy Guy – 04.19.17

: A new book, SHATTERED, reports reasons why the Clinton campaign failed to resonate with the public. TV media reports on Trump’s first 100 days have been 89% negative, but have taken a stunning reversal making him a neocon idol for his cruise missile attack on Syrian and saber-rattling with North Korea. The Saker provides a searching evaluation of the alleged …

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.22.17

The Conspiracy Guy #17: The House Intelligence Hearings on Russian involvement in the 2016 election are a complete and total farce. When you break down the three elements of the alleged events, they are (1) claims the Russian affected the actual vote; (2) claims the Russians hacked the DNC; and (3) claims a “dossier” proves Trump was compromised and the Russians had proof. Director Comey and NSA Admiral Rogers denied (1) immediately. We know that (3) was “fan fiction” by a 4 Chan chat board member, which Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told Reince Priebus on 15 February were “bullshit”, which was confirmed by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in a call to President Trump. That leaves (2), but we know the chain of custody of the DNC’s emails went from Seth Rich, their IT guy, who was disillusioned by the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders campaign, to Craig Murray, a friend of Julian Assange. to Julian for publication. Both have affirmed the know the identity of the leader and he was not Russian. The DNC, embarrassed by the revelations, needed a cover story, which led them to make up the “Russian hacking meme”. Proof it was contrived–a work of complete fiction–follows from the DNC’s refusal to allow the FBI access to the servers the were allegedly hacked, which would have provided no evidence, because they were not hacked. More information is coming about that substantiates Trump’s claim to have been spied upon by Obama–and it is not going to make those who have been promoting the phony “Russian hacking” theory look good.

The Infectious Myth – Conversation with Celia Farber – 02.28.17

David has a long and wide-ranging conversation with Celia Farber who, as a journalist for many years, has addressed many controversial topics. The ‘media’, Donald Trump, the Clintons, O.J. Simpson, Immigration, Globalism, Healthcare, Sweden, Sexual Assault, Vaccines, Julian Assange and more. Despite deep political differences, Celia and David avoid extremetizing. And if you want to know what that means, you will have to listen. Celia’s blog is ‘The Truth Barrier’:

BOB RAE – Orwell’s lessons for the era of Trump: Rae

George Orwell is best known for his novels Animal Farm and 1984. Both were written toward the end of a life cut short by tuberculosis. But they came after a long period of reflection, activism, and engagement, through what one writer has called the “dark valley” of the 1920s and 30s and the death and destruction of the Second World …

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 01.18.17

The Conspiracy Guy #8: The internet swirls with speculation that the CIA is going to take out the President-Elect of the United States prior to or during his inauguration. As stunning as it sounds, the threat appears to be real. The intelligence agencies have been attacking Trump on the basis of a fabricated “Russian dossier” that was created as “fanfiction”, which no one, much less the leaders of US intel agencies, ought to have taken seriously. And the claims of Russian hacking of the election likewise have no foundation: those DNC emails were not hacked but leaked, apparently by Seth Rich, the IT guy for the DNC, out of disillusionment with the sabotage of Bernie Sander’s campaign. Craig Murray, an intelligence analyst, UK ambassador and college head, evidently received them from him and gave them to Julian Assange, where Murray and Assange both deny any Russian involvement and where Rich appears to have paid for his act of supererogation with his life. But reliance upon fabricated documents by US intel agencies may be exceeded in hubris by the use of yet a third Hillary Clinton body-double, this one far better than either the “Meg Ryan” double used the day of her collapse at the 9/11 Memorial event and the “Meryl Streep” double used a few days later, where this third double has been identified in a new study using (what is known as) “eye-teeth ratio” to discriminate between them (where they have other obvious differences, once you realize the deception). And Hollywood propaganda continues unabated with the release of “Patriots Day”, a fictional reconstruction of the Boston bombing, but one in accord with the official account, which I dissect, piece by piece, during the second half of the show.

MARK WEISBROT – Intel agencies ask Americans to ‘trust, don’t verify’ in new Cold War

Just as the first casualty of war is said to be the truth, the first casualty of the new Cold War is irony. Our most prominent journalists seem to have missed the Orwellian irony of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) asking Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper at Friday’s Senate hearings if Julian Assange has any credibility. Assange has maintained that the hacked or …

PATRICK COCKBURN – Saudi Arabia’s Dream of Domination Goes Up in Flames

As recently as two years ago, Saudi Arabia’s half century-long effort to establish itself as the main power among Arab and Islamic states looked as if it was succeeding. A US State Department paper sent by former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in 2014 and published by Wikileaks spoke of the Saudis and Qataris as rivals competing “to dominate the …

Michael Tracey – Assange Is Vastly More Reliable Than The Elite U.S. Media

In January 2011, the people of Tunisia effectuated an uprising which led to the ouster of Ben Ali, who had ruled the country for 23 years. Many Tunisians were well aware that the regime was autocratic and corrupt, but they were provided additional gory details about its decadent opulence by none other than WikiLeaks, the organization whose founder and editor …

The CIA’s Absence of Conviction

I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption. Yes this rubbish has been the lead today in the Washington Post in the US and the …