Peter Van Buren – Washington to Whomever: Please Fight the Islamic State for Us

In the many strategies proposed to defeat the Islamic State (IS) by presidential candidates, policymakers, and media pundits alike across the American political spectrum, one common element stands out: someone else should really do it. The United States will send in planes, advisers, and special ops guys, but it would be best — and this varies depending on which pseudo-strategist …

Jefferey Jaxen – Most Americans Refusing Ineffective Flu Vaccine this Year

This years 2015-2016 flu shots in the United States are showing 18 percent effectiveness in adults and 15 percent effectiveness in children according to local news reports popping up around the country. Local news outlets in Michigan [2], Georgia [3], California [4], and other states have decided to run the headline with this information yet, at the time of this writing, no national mainstream news appear …

Leid Stories – 10.12.15

Columbus: Uncovering the Myth of His New World ‘Discoveries’

More and more U.S. cities are giving Columbus Day a holiday, choosing instead to observe Indigenous People’s Day today. And with good reason. Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World in 1492 set in motion unrelenting waves of genocide throughout the hemisphere and ushered in the African slave trade in the Caribbean and the Americas.

Leid Stories presents the unvarnished truth about this merchant of death and destruction.