There was fuss in the media last month about a little study of 26 vaccinated Florida pre-schoolers, who got sick with B. pertussiswhooping cough or had pertussis-like symptoms during a five-month period in 2013.1 All of the children, aged one to five years attending the Tallahassee preschool, had received three to four doses of pertussis vaccine (DtaP) according to the CDC recommended schedule. …
The best health care system in the world? Nonsense! – Wendell Potter
Americans spend more per capita on health care than people anywhere else in the world, yet outcomes in every other developed country are better on almost every measure, from infant mortality to life expectancy. A big reason for that is our collective gullibility. We continue to believe what many politicians tell us, despite evidence to the contrary: that we have the …
At least 29 million health records breached by overt criminal activity
Between 2010 and 2013, data breaches of protected health information reported by HIPAA-covered entities increased and involved approximately 29 million records, with most data breaches resulting from overt criminal activity, according to a study in the April 14 issue of JAMA. Reports of data breaches have increased during the past decade. Compared with other industries, these breaches are estimated to be …