Heart of Mind Radio – 01.29.18

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis offers a tutorial on the benefits of meditation and movement as a mind/body approach to healing. She sites studies and abstracts and offers a full meditation at the end of the program. Today’s  featured music: Voices from a Different Planet, Cybertribe   Download this episode (right click and save)

Heart of Mind Radio – 07.08.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Roger Jahnke, OMD, author of The Healer Within, who has dedicated his professional life to sharing the powerful ancient healing traditions of China. He is the director and chief instructor of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, in Santa Barbara, CA, and a co-founder and recent chairperson of the board of the National Qigong Association.

In segment two Kathryn muses about the state of humanity and shares a live centering meditation.


Roger Jahnke, O.M.D. is a doctor of Classical Chinese Medicine with thirty years of clinical practice and nine research trips to China to study its ancient healing traditions. He is director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi and serves as a consultant to hospitals, social service agencies, and corporations in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CAM / IM), wellness, and medical cost reduction.

Dr. Jahnke is author of The Healer Within (HarperSanFrancisco, 1999) used in body/mind programs worldwide. His most recent book, The Healing Promise of Qi (McGraw-Hill, 2002) has become an instant classic in the western literature on Qigong and Tai Chi. In 2005, Dr. Jahnke was appointed to co-convene a “National Expert Meeting on Qigong and Tai Chi” in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the National Blueprint for Active Aging. For more information, visit www.FeeltheQi.com.

Guest Website: www.IIQTC.org

Heart of Mind Radio – 07.01.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio host Kathryn Davis speaks to the internationally acclaimed author and Lecturer Marianne Williamson about her newest book Tears To Triumph, The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment.

We cover subjects such as what it means to understand that suffering is part of our experience and how we can survive it and transcend it. What is the response to suffering at the heart of all great religious teachings. We also consider how our suffering has become a profit center for the pharmaceutical industry and learn how to move forward without dependency on mood altering drugs.

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books include: A return to Love, A Year of Miracles, The Law of Divine Compensation, The Age of Miracles, A Course in Weight Loss, Everyday Grace, A Women’s Worth, Illuminata, and The Gift of Change.

Williamson also founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on wheels program that serves over 1000 homebound people in the Los Angeles area daily, and co-founded the Global renaissance Alliance (GRA), a worldwide network of peace activists. Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose.

Heart of Mind Radio – 06.24.16

The theme of today’s Heart Of Mind Radio is “The Power of Heart Consciousness.” Host Kathryn Davis shares an excerpt from her presentation offered on a show, which originally aired in 2014, in which she reflects on the teachings of Arabic poets Rumi and Ibin Arabi. In segment two Kathryn shares an excerpt from the powerful Infinity Meditation.

You can receive a FREE copy of the full 20-minute Infinity Meditation by request to: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com

Heart of Mind Radio – 06.17.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis introduces a new research project and invites listener participation through phone calls, emails and work-group meetings. Volunteers in the project will receive a flash drive including a variety of PDF documents

Aboriginal Disclosure Project: America, fact, fiction, history and legend.

The project includes historical documents including:

Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius – The Discovery of the New World; The Cabotian Discovery: Acquisition of territory by discovery; Colonization of Free Colored People; Eugenics, Race Integrity and the 20th Century and much more.

Connect by contacting Kathryn Davis
(347) 480-1694 or my email HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com

Quantum Qigong
“Integrate Your Body, Mind and Spirit!

Qigong in a graceful interplay of breath, meditation and movement designed to cultivate inner peace and activate your innate healing capacity.

Saturdays 2:00 – 3:00 PM until July 30th
603 Bergen St., Bklyn, NY 11238
(Between Carlton & Vanderbilt Ave)
$20 per class $60 for 4 classes

Heart of Mind Radio – 06.10.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we remember the movie “FAME” with alumni of Music and Art and LaGuardiia High School, who will be giving a concert on Friday June 10, with guests Anthony G Evans, Victor Cook and Andrew Kaen. We also talk with Andrew Kaen about his upcoming lecture at The New Life Expo on Saturday June 11th.

Host Kathryn Davis gives insights on her work with Cosmic Qigong and the Ascension Process. “This time we are taking the body with us. Let’s learn to take care and upgrade our body beautiful.”

Kathryn is offering an ongoing summer series in Quantum Qigong on Saturdays at 2:00 PM at Studio Maya, Brooklyn, New York. The next Spiritual Support Group meeting will be Wednesday June 15th 7:15-9:15 PM at Jnana Yoga, also in Brooklyn. For more information call: (347) 480-1694 or email HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com.

Heart of Mind Radio – 06.03.16

On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis features the work of Eric Butterworth, who served as a minister, author, and radio personality. His work, based on Unity principles, focused on the divinity of all people. His desire was that everyone would know their oneness with God. Today’s program features a recording called:

“The Basis of Positive Thinking” an excerpt from the talk “The Art of Thinking” by Eric Butterworth which offers inspiration on understanding the potency of subjective transcendental thought.

Kathryn also shares information about her upcoming programs and events.

Heart of Mind Radio – 05.27.16

On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio host Kathryn Davis, in segment one we feature The NYC Amazing Holistic Health Expo and Spiritual Unity Conference with guests Benyamin Bridges and Kufunya. http://www.nycamazingholistichealthexpo.com/; and In segment two we explore the UFO phenomena with Geoff and Mike. Mike and Geoff are among the few New York skywatchers who publicly present their UFO video. They will each present approximately 60 minutes of top quality UFO footage captured over New York City, above the heads of millions. The New York Skies Are Alive: UFO Confirmation Promo Link: https://youtu.be/sEyYRANPBTc

Host Contact Info: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694

Event Details:

The New York City Amazing Holistic Health Expo is Saturday May 28th 12PM-6PM and later that evening The Spiritual Unity Conference is from 7-11 PM at: The National Black Theater 2031 Fifth Ave, Between 125th and 126th Streets. The first 10 people will be able to get in at half price.

The Veggie Chief contest has been cancelled.

New York City Amazing Holistic Health Expo is an organization that likes to see people come together. No matter our race, sex, status or life’s journey, we all deserve to be healthy. This Holistic Health Expo will provide information for individuals wanting to improve their health. Join in and share a proven way in which you can create an amazing and healthier you. The event features holistic doctors, health practitioners with lectures and vendors. Also Enjoy a great discussion with our very special Spiritual Unity Panel and finish up the day with an hour prayer and meditation session. Join us and our Spiritual Unity Panel as we pray and meditate on healing serious problems affecting our local and world community. Check out Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/blackhealthexpo/?pnref=story

ALSO: Special Offer: The First 300 People That Join Our NYC Amazing Holistic Health Expo This Saturday Will Be Given A 3 Day 2 Night Hotel Accommodation For Free. They Will Be Able To Chose One Hotel Out Of 35 Major Hotels Across The USA. Enjoy Your Vacation Gift From NYC Amazing Holistic Health Expo. If You Have Any Questions Call Us 914 979-6372

The New York Skies Are Alive: UFO Confirmation

Sunday May 29, 2016 – 3PM-6PM (Plan to arrive around 3:15PM)
The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory / STUDIO A / 104 West 14th Street / between Sixth & Seventh Ave. New York, NY 10011 / (212) 675-1390

Mike (ufobeyond) has captured UFOs in the Manhattan skies for nearly a decade. He’s captured flying discs similar to the NASA Tether video at “rooftop” level with super clear night vision. He will also present in his daytime footage a morphing hockey-puck sized UFO that seem to surveil us. Mike’s footage of UFO’s interacting with chemplanes and commercial airliners are of special interest in this present. His recent capture of a giant serpent like entity that measures approximately between 150 feet in length and 20 feet in width charging with lightning speed at a Delta commercial airliner will leave viewers aghast. Promo Link: https://youtu.be/sEyYRANPBTc

Geoff (budgetmoon) brings unique daylight UFO sightings to the screen. Morphing iridescent objects, otherworldly shapes with great detail have prompted viewers to yell “photoshop” or fall out of their chair in past presentations. His videos have been posted on Art Bell’s website plus featured in Canadian and Japanese UFO documentaries. He will also present some visual evidence of interference from helicopters and a personal stalker.

Both night and day UFO footage give you a sense of movement and propulsion. The full presentation will be approximately 2 hours, followed by a Q & A.

Please plan to attend what is bound to be one of the most interesting powerful UFO presentations in New York City this year.

Let your like-minded friends and family members know about this one.

Heart of Mind Radio – 05.20.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio host Kathryn Davis speaks with Tushka Humoc Xelup, Executive Director General of NAAIP, National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People, a United Nations IPO. Recognized and un-recognized Aborigine and Native Americans established NAAIP, along with signatories foreign and domestic. For more information go to facebook.com/naaipamerica

Heart of Mind Radio – 05.13.16

On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Host Kathryn Davis shares an interview with Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl on the history of the Toltec tradition. He explains the true meaning of the Calendar and gives insights on the transition within humanity as a consequence of entering the time of the Sixth Sun.

He also speaks about the tools the Aztec traditions offer for healing and transformation including Lucid Dreaming and the Obsidian Mirror.

Sergio will be in New York the weekend of May 13th through 16th offering training on these two techniques. Check below for details.

In the second segment, Kathryn will offer information about her upcoming Heart Of Mind Spiritual Support group. The next meeting is Wednesday May 18th. Our new meeting space is listed below.

Today’s Guest:

Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl, is a well-known and respected healer in Mexico City, who has been initiated into the 5,000-year-old Toltec or Toltecayotl lineage of Mesoamerica. The tradition began with the ancient Chichimecas, who transmitted it to Teotihuacans and then Toltecs, who then taught both the Mayans and Aztecs. Sergio is also trained in the Tol shamanic lineage (nahualism) of dreaming knowledge that has been passed on in the oral tradition without interruption from master to student for 1,460 years. He is the author of 2012-2021 Dawn of the Sixth Sun and The Toltec Secret: Dreaming Practices of the Ancient Mexicans, 2014.

He travels extensively and has a community of over 50,000 students in Mexico, the USA, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and the UK. Sergio was chosen by his Nahuatl speaking teachers to be the one to bring the ancient knowledge of the Toltecs and Aztecs to the world. He is a well-known and respected healer in Mexico, who has been initiated into the 5,000-year-old Tol shamanic lineage (Nahualism) of dreaming knowledge of the Toltec or Toltecayotl lineage of Mesoamerica.

He is appointed by Club UNESCO to be the representative whose job it is to preserve Mexico’s Immaterial Nahuatl Culture. He was invited to perform the Toltec ceremony for the Winter Solstice of 2012 for UNESCO along with seven other indigenous traditions from around the world. He is an active presenter at many conferences worldwide, including – Gateways of the Mind conference sponsored by the prestigious Royal Geographical Society of London; Breaking Convention, sponsored by the University of Kent; Mind, Body, Spirit UK and Open Center in New York City.