Bipolar Disorder is one of the biggest mental health concerns in the United States, but instead of addressing the true, spiritual nature of the disease, the normal course of treatment involves harmful pharmaceuticals. This article was originally published on and republished with permission. “I have Bipolar disorder” …say 5.7 million Americans. These patients have been labeled, categorized, and offered an understanding of …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.20.16
Kelly Brogan MD is a shining star of a psychiatrist! You will want to know her! Coming through the establishment, she broke free to treat patients the way she would want to be treated, and from there, to a deeper understanding of life from the menace of the psychopharmaceutical ideology to the worth of what we both call psychospirituality. You are guaranteed to benefit from spending time with her.
Kelly Brogan, MD – Have You Been Told It’s All In Your Head? The New Biology Of Mental Illness
Psychiatry is notorious for saying “oops!” for a long history of abusing patients with pseudoscience-driven treatments and its shameful lack of diagnostic rigor. From the1949 Nobel Prize for therapeutic lobotomy to theRosenhan experiments in the 70s which exposed the invalidity of a psychiatrist’s clinical judgment (hospitalizing and treating actors feigning psychosis), the field is in crisis. The New Biology of Mental Illness My …
Kelly Brogan, MD – A Case Of Gut-Induced Mania
Sometimes, it just takes one case to bring an entire medical construct to its knees. Because if the current model can’t encompass it, then the model must evolve to accommodate the seeming outlier. Currently, psychiatry is in a freefall. With its priesthood abandoning its own tenets around biomedical explanations for mental illness, there is room now, for a new model to …
Connect The Dots – Kelly Brogan, MD – 03.16.16
Listen to Kelly Brogan, MD, the author of A Mind of Your Own, talk about the myth that anti-depressants work, a more effective natural approach to depression, and the media blackout on her new book
KELLY BROGAN – 7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away
A silent tragedy in the history of modern health care is happening right now in America, but no one is talking about it. We have been told a story of depression: that it is caused by a chemical imbalance and cured by a chemical fix—a prescription. More than 30 million of us take antidepressants, including one in seven women (one …
Kelly Brogan, M.D. – Postpartum Depression Screening: Prevention or Problem?
Medicine, in it’s truest form is a beautiful testament to the human condition. We are in this together. When one struggles, others support. We are fundamentally, compassionate, loving beings, deeply invested in the welfare of our fellow planet-dwellers. Today’s medicine is undergoing a process of metamorphosis, however. We are moving from a warring posture of “Anti” pharmacology – from antihypertensives, …
Kelly Brogan – Immunity: The Emerging Truth
In Humble Awe of Human Complexity Eastern wisdom tells us that when we think we know, we don’t. But when we admit ignorance, we achieve enlightenment. The most profound part of my departure from conventional medicine has been the depths of my surrender to all that we do not, cannot, and must not understand about the body and its experience. Humble …
Kelly Brogan – What’s the Point of Health?
When the body comes into harmony, it’s more than just symptom relief, it’s an opportunity to come into yourself and ascend that ladder. I used to be an atheist, in fact, I used to be a self-described “belligerent atheist”. I thought that religious dogma was the outgrowth of fear and unresolved parental issues. Certainly, much modern religion has lost touch …