Leid Stories—04.11.17

At an urgent meeting yesterday in Lucca, Italy, of G7 member-states, the focus was the situation in Syria and, specifically, last Thursday’s U.S. missile strike on a Syrian airfield. President Trump said it was retaliation for a chemical-weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun, a town under the control of rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Trump said Assad himself was responsible for the Khan Sheikhoun attack, which killed almost 90 people and injured more than 500.

Leid Stories—Trump and Assad, Both On the Brink—04.06.17

President Donald Trump vowed yesterday to take some kind of “responsibility” for helping to bring the murderous chaos in war-torn Syria to an end. What that “responsibility” would be, Trump wouldn’t say, but he made it clear the task was President Barack Obama’s and Obama did nothing.