Dr. Kris Neuhaus, a radical physician targeted by the religious right political establishment of Kansas for her courageous willingness for years to provide abortion services to desperate Kansas women, talks with host Dave Lindorff about guns, bombs and domestic terror, as well as the obscenity of health care provided — or more accurately not provided — to captives in the nation’s prison industrial complex.
Leid Stories – 10.06.15
Puerto Rico: U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case on Political Status
Ferguson, Missouri, Being Readied for Forced Bankruptcy
Among 13 new cases the U.S. Supreme Court will review in its current term is Puerto Rico v. Valle. The case asks whether a person tried, acquitted or convicted under U.S. federal law can be prosecuted for the same crime under Puerto Rico law. The case seemingly is about constitutional protections against double jeopardy. But at the heart of it is the long-simmering—and unresolved–issue: What is the political relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico?
Lyle Denniston, legal historian and constitutional literacy adviser to the Philadelphia-based National Constitution Center, and Dr. Victor M. Rodriguez, professor of Chicano and Latino Studies at California State University of Long Beach, tackle both issues.
In a commentary Leid Stories reveals that the City of Ferguson, Missouri, is being readied for a forced bankruptcy.
Paul Craig Roberts – Obama Deifies American Hegemony
Today is the 70th anniversary of the UN. It is not clear how much good the UN has done. Some UN Blue Hemet peacekeeping operations had limited success. But mainly Washington has used the UN for war, such as the Korean War and Washington’s Cold War against the Soviet Union. In our time Washington had UN tanks sent in against …
Leid Stories – 09.14.15
Analyze This!: ‘News’ That’s Missing The Whole Point Kim Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because such unions offend her beliefs as an Apostolic Christian, returns to work today, still holding to her “moral conscience” and demanding an “accommodation” that would exempt her from affixing her name to official marriage …