Fearless Parent Radio – Lyme, Autism, and Vibrational Healing – 10.14.15

Tami Duncan began her soul’s mission of vibrational healing through the process of recovering her son from autism. Although diagnosed with ASD at age seven, a later a diagnosis of Lyme disease was what provided Tami the clues that ultimately led to his remarkable progress.

But the healing didn’t stop there. Tami’s desire to dig deeper into the full realms of healing led her to the vibrational healing arts, including Reiki.

We know that the human body is an amazing information gatherer. The nervous system zings when confronted with a menacing stranger; and our olfactory nerves delight in the aroma of freshly baked cookies.

But what about the other body — the one that resides outside of the physical? Often referred to as the astral body, the spiritual body, or the soul — how can accessing this realm of our existence enhance our lives? These days, it’s no longer considered fringe to visit a medium, medical intuitive, or a host of other practitioners who journey to these higher planes. Our deepest desire is to understand just a little bit more. to find resolution from a painful experience, to heal.