Step back from the campaign fray for just a moment and consider the enormity of what’s already occurred. A 74-year-old Jew from Vermont who describes himself as a democratic socialist, who wasn’t even a Democrat until recently, has come within a whisker of beating Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucus, routed her in the New Hampshire primary, and garnered over …
Nicolas J S Davies – Hillary Clinton and the Dogs of War
A poll taken in Iowa before the presidential caucus found that 70 percent of Democrats surveyed trusted Hillary Clinton on foreign policy more than Bernie Sanders. But her record as Secretary of State was very different from that of her successor, John Kerry, who has overseen groundbreaking diplomatic breakthroughs with Iran, Cuba and, in a more limited context, even with Russia and …
Dean Baker – Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and the Money
Bernie Sanders has made the corrupting role of money in politics a centerpiece of his campaign. He has argued that because campaign contributions by the rich pay for political campaigns, they are able to control the political process. This gives us a political system that is very effective at serving Wall Street and the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. It is …
JENNIFER MATSUI – It Takes Hillary Clinton to Lead a Global Pillage
You don’t have to be a blinkered Bernie-bot to recognize the toxicity of Hillary Clinton and call her out on it, contrary to the party faithful’s insistence that the widening chasm between ‘Bern and Hill’ (Burn in Hell?) supporters is weakening the chances for a Democratic victory in November. Clinton’s less than stellar (Okay, gloves off . . . *abysmal*) …
In Fact, Argue Experts, Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Numbers “Do Add Up”
During Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate, Hillary Clinton criticized Bernie Sanders’ proposal for a “Medicare for All” healthcare program, stating, “the numbers just don’t add up.” “A respected health economist said that these plans would cost a trillion dollars more a year,” Clinton said, likely referring to a recent analysis by Emory University professor Kenneth Thorpe, who helped craft a single-payer …
Michelle Alexander – Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Hillary Clinton loves black people. And black people love Hillary—or so it seems. Black politicians have lined up in droves to endorse her, eager to prove their loyalty to the Clintons in the hopes that their faithfulness will be remembered and rewarded. Black pastors are opening their church doors, and the Clintons are making themselves comfortably at home once again, …
This Can’t Be Happening – 02.10.16
The morning after Bernie Sanders stunning trouncing of Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, long-time political activist Alfredo Lopez, a member of the news collective, talks with “This Can’t Be Happening” host Dave Lindorff about the Sanders phenomenon, and how the left needs to respond to it.
Robin Scher – Which Countries Are Happiest? Global Survey Suggests Capitalism and Wealth Aren’t Delivering the Goods
What is happiness [3]? This might sound like a question you’d hear come out of Derek Zoolander’s mouth [4]. But seriously, think about it. Is it a matter of perspective, your relationships, a neurological chemical imbalance, or career fulfillment [5]? The more you try to pin down this elusive state of mind, the more achieving a measure for it seems out of reach. Take the movie Hector …
While Mega-Donors Average $1,950,000… Average Sanders Donation Still Just $27
Billionaires are dominating 2016 spending, but Bernie supporters are proving that small donors can fuel national campaign As comedian Larry David reminded Saturday Night Live viewers over the weekend, many people by now know how proud the Bernie Sanders campaign is for having built its entire campaign through a record-breaking 3.5 million individual donations, mostly from small donors averaging gifts of about …
Marc Ash – The Very Dishonest Viability Argument
very pro-Clinton nomination argument contains or is built around the viability argument. Expressed by an inner-child, it goes something like this: “Bernie Sanders should stop causing trouble … Hillary Clinton is more electable … If Bernie Sanders doesn’t stop it, he will open the door for the Republican nominee.” Or, to quote Clinton digital media strategist Peter Daou, “With Bernie …