Expat Files – 10.21.16

#1- Why do so many Gringo Expat con-artists home in on newbee gringo arrivals? Gringo con artists were newbees once upom a time too and know exactly to take advantage of a green gringo’s innocence, blind enthusiasm and a trusting nature. Besides, they speak Spanish and know that YOU don’t. Thankfully its difficult for those creeps to survive “off “ the gringo tourist trail.

Expat Files – 10.09.16

#1- What fresh new Expats need to know about first-world style healthcare and insurance coverage in Latin America: how to sign up, the costs, coverage and types of plans to choose from.   #2- The use and abuse of air conditioning in Latin America   #3- More Gringo/Expat driving tips and a new heads up on car repair scams.   …