Expat Files – 02.24.17

#1- When your rough Spanish really kicks into high gear:
There are unpredictable good a bad things that happens when you finally start understanding bits and pieces of what’s being said around you. How and when that hallelujah moment of clarity finally does happen comes differently for all of us clueless expats. Even so, after that it’s not “damn the torpedoes” full speed ahead either. Confidence will build and then overconfidence will disappoint along with some noticeable backsliding…

Expat Files – 02.03.17

#1- Making a vehicle purchase at a car lot. You will probably need a car sooner or later. Generally a new car is not recommended in Latin America. Unless you don’t mind repeated dings and scratches, provided you are not finicky, and as long as your new vehicle is a common, non-luxury model and doesn’t stand out from the others on the road….

Jason Hickel – Aid in reverse: how poor countries develop rich countries

We have long been told a compelling story about the relationship between rich countries and poor countries. The story holds that the rich nations of the OECD give generously of their wealth to the poorer nations of the global south, to help them eradicate poverty and push them up the development ladder. Yes, during colonialism western powers may have enriched …