Progressive Radio Network

Latin America

Eric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist who holds a Ph.D. from the universities of Paris VIII and Liège. He is the Spokesman for…
Washington’s dirty hands manipulate geopolitical events worldwide – notably in Latin America since the 19th century. In September 2010, Washington’s attempted coup against Ecuadorean President…
-Expats and gringos arrive in Latin America as newbees: not registered or tracked by any agencies or databases save for their entrance on immigration computers.…
-More tips and suggestions when applying for Latin American residency -Today a discussion that will be of interest to any listeners who might be considering…
It just might happen that a Latin friend or acquaintance will try to get you to support a local scumbag politician. Remember, it’s a huge…
A few pointed gringo/expat stories of how they’ve been ripped off or gouged by their own Latin lawyers. Sometimes clueless gringo schmucks never find out…
Terrifying Facts The most militarized states (1/4 of the total) received almost 2/3 of America's arms transfers (i.e., the 38 most militarized of 148 nations,…
Ever since the inception of in the fall of 2014, we have been reporting that the State of Arizona has the highest percentage of…
It started in April with a rash of deals between Argentina and Russia during President Cristina Kirchner’s visit to Moscow. And it continues with a…
-More on safely moving your gold, silver and precious metals across borders and how to stay as anonymous as possible while doing so. -A word…
-In the last two years nearly all Latin American countries have adopted their own sort of local Craig’s list clones… as well as many free…
- If you live in Latin America long enough and as your Spanish skills improve, soon enough you’ll start to understand there’s a very odd…