Progressive Radio Network

Latin America

#1- Beware of using Credit and Debit cards in Latin America: The trick is to examine how Latinos and Latinas use and misuse their plastic.…
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #728- FRI, JAN 26- (01-26-2018):    #1- A list of indispensable documents and items travelers should carry on their person at…
 #1- The “Gringo Advantage” is alive and well in Latin America. Meanwhile, the media reports the whole world is souring on Americans as well as…
#1-Ten things expats need to know about prostitution and sex tourism in Latin America   #2- NEWS FLASH! Nicaragua has imposed new immigration regulations making…
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #722- FRI, DEC 29- (12-29-2017):   #1- An update on O’Vomit care and how it does or doesn’t affect gringos and…
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW- SUN, DEC 24th- #721, 12-24-2017: #1- Expats living on the water- the truth about having a boat in Latin America: It’s…
#1- How gringos and Expats in Latin America are making money in the cryptocurrency space. Today we discuss just how even here in Latin America…
THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #715, 12-03-2017 (SUN): #1- What gringos and expat needs to know about banking in Latin America: going beyond the basics. There…
#1- Latins are born litterbugs. They have a culture of littering. When you see it in action, you probably will most days, you will naturally…
#1- When Gringos and Expats kick the bucket in Latin America- Part 2: Dying, funerals and burial insurance are all very inexpensive in Latin America.…
#1- “El Sueno Canadiense” the “Canadian Dream”: Today we talk about how Canadian citizens feel about poor Latinos who are suddenly seeing Canada as a…
#1- Dealing with chaotic, disorganized, lazy-ass Latin government fatheads. Why is it that when green gringos first arrive in Latin America, after seeing paper-pushing govt bureaucrats…