Progressive Radio Network

Latin America

#1- Do locals celebrate Halloween in Latin America? I’ll say they do, but why? It took a few years for them to jump on board,…
#1- There has been a striking absence of political correctness, big brother influence, social justice warrior types and so-called snowflakes here in Latin America-excepting in…
#1- The newest phrase in the Latin street talk vernacular is “El Sueno Canadiense”. That means, “The Canadian Dream”. Sound familiar, kinda? Yes, certain illegals who’ve…
#1- When Gringos go “Native”. A small percentage do go native and its generally a sad thing to see, but not always. The signs are…
#1- Everything you need to know about hiring, firing and interviewing domestics, maids, and cleaning ladies. Interviewees are coming from a completely different lifestyle, world…
A Bowl of Soul Broadcast - 10-06-2017 Heaven Help Us All - Urban Ave 31 - R&B/Neo Soul - 2003 Help Somebody - Maxwell -…
#1- Some real surprises await Johnny as he visits a big Latin American music store: The “Gringo advantage” strikes again. When you are off the…
#1- (Anti)Social Media in Latin America and how its negatively affecting the local population: Yes, a certain small percentage of middle and upper-class Latins are…
Latin America and Journalism: Nolan Higdon and Nicholas Baham speak with Kali Persall (recently returned from a visit to Cuba), and T.M. Scruggs (recently returned…
#1- Latin driving tips: What to watch out for and what NOT to do- or, how to kill a nice new vehicle in three easy…
#1- Buying vintage, antique and classic cars in Latin America- Part 2     #2- Latins are Leather and cloth upholstery experts. They do the work for…
#1- The real truth about “Gringo- vs- Latin” prices. Today’s first “boots on the ground" story shows you how to spot price gouging and work…