Progressive Radio Network

Latin America

#1- Ten things you must know when taking on a Latino business partner: the do’s, dont's, realities the pitfalls. #2- The scoop on gringo and…
#1- Yes, I occasionally get weird questions from listeners. For example, how about this one, “Johnny what do you know about "circumcisions" in Latin America?”…
#1- What you really need to know about pesticides, herbicides and GMO’s in Latin America.      #2- 10 Things you didn't know about Latin American Veterinarians along…
#1- Ten Business tips for gringos and expats who are thinking about doing business in Latin America   #2- Smart gringos and expats often buy…
Download this episode (right click and save) Alternative Visions radio welcomes guest, Pablo Vivanco, of Telesur Media in Latin America to explain what’s really going…
#1- Corn Tortillas: the unusual truth about the 3000 year old food that fed a good number of mighty civilizations. However good they taste and…
#1- Venezuelan refugees and illegals are becoming a problem for adjacent Latin countries. A few years ago, before the present crisis, Venezuelans traveled about freely, trickled…
#1- Driving and/or shipping your car down to Latin America. How much will it cost? How long will it take?  What can possibly go wrong? …
#1- Tips on buying and selling items in Latin America: If you buy or sell an item using Latin classifieds, newspaper ads, internet sites like or any…
#1- Pollution in Latin Cities. How bad is it and what are governments and locals people doing about it, if anything.   #2- More good reasons…
#1- A frequent question from listeners: “Johnny, where would you live if you had to settle down and have your “Plan B” in Mexico?” Today you’ll…
#1- A recap of some of the more interesting happenings at my most recent (July 2017) Expat Insider Seminar #2- The new Senate Bill #1241…