Expat Files – 05.21.17

#1- What expats need to know about air travel to and from Central and South America from the states #2- What about internal air travel using local Latin carriers? #3- Tips on Tips and Tipping: find out what’s proper and what’s not. How well-meaning gringos tend to dislocate and distort prevailing wage and social systems throughout Latin America to the …

Expat Files – 05.19.17

#1- An educated Latina shares her opinions on the steady Gringo invasion of the popularly promoted parts of Latin America. She talks about the good the bad the ugly and the great(naturally) #2- Today we have a discussion on what Latins perceive as the sometimes disturbing differences between our two cultures with an emphasis on the traits of North American …

Expat Files – 05.14.17

#1- Gringos doing Business in Latin America: how to keep your eyes wide open for niche to fill. #2-Doing virtual business in Latin America on the net #3- PART 1 of a discussion explaining two separate and completely distinct brick and mortar  business operations that regularly return 100% of their initial investment annually. You’ll need “boots on the ground” to …

Expat Files – 05.12.17

  #1- Ecuador has now been permanently pulled from my preferred Expat “Plan B”destination list. Problem is, when the gringos come en mass so does the gouging and since the Ecuadorian government is dead set on subsidizing socialism for the masses, Gringos are taking it in the trasero. It will never end. Last month it was the 5% capital and …

iEat Green – Guest Mary Jo Dudley Director, Cornell Farmworkers Program – 05.11.17

Mary Jo Dudley is the Director of the Cornell Farmworker Program (a program within the Community and Regional Development Institute at Cornell’s’ College of Agriculture and Life Science). The Cornell Farmworker Program is dedicated to improving the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families. They also seek recognition for farmworker’s contributions to society and their acceptance and full …

Expat Files – 05.05.17

#1- I told you so! Today we have proof that the majority of Latin countries are now in the active stages of tightening their immigration and residency requirements for foreigners (that means gringos). Today we excerpt a trusted Panama media source outlining how residency requirements and tourist visa renewal laws are changing right now in Panama listing Latin countries that …

Expat Files – 04.14.17

#1- Today we discuss another of the many media lists proposing the so called, most dangerous cities in the world. Once again most all of the cities are located in Latin America. Lets go through the list and check it out… #2-Venezuela is the only country in Latin America where the general population is getting skinnier, more physically fit (and …