The abortive coup in Turkey on July 15, coming at a moment of Turkish-Russian rapprochement and mounting friction with the U.S. over the Kurdish independence…
A group of lawyers for 64 women who are suffering health problems from cervical cancer vaccines said Tuesday the victims will file damages lawsuits against…
Gonorrhea is like an extremely persistent garden weed. As far as sexually transmitted diseases go, it’s relatively easy to get and requires a multipronged offensive…
May is National Foster Month, “Honoring, Uniting, and Celebrating Families.” But is this really what foster care is doing? Theoretically, foster care provides a temporary…
More than three years have passed since Colorado residents voted to legalize marijuana, which immediately allowed adults to possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana.…
After a Q1 collapse, the Dallas Fed Manufacturing Outlook managed a bounce for a few months (though never got back above zero). It appears, Dallas Fed's…
Most doctors and patients assume the FDA would not approve an unsafe drug. But Vioxx, Bextra, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Seldane, Hismanal, Darvon, Mylotarg, Lotronex, Propulsid,…
False advertising and deceptive promotion can have deadly consequences. But big pharma appears to be acting outside the law, no matter the costs. That appears to be…
At the University of Missouri, Truly A ‘Teachable Moment’ About Power Ferguson, Missouri, Looks to Restore Trust with ‘Old-Style’ Policing A weeklong hunger strike by…
Nazi Bunkers Tour ( Guest 1: Joanne Doroshow, Executive Director - Center for Justice & Democracy at New York Law School Left and Right Opposing…