Leid Stories—Despite ‘Settlement,’ Water Woes Persist in Flint, Mich.; Fair and Impartial?: 60 Minutes Covers the Police Killing of Terence Crutcher—04.03.17

A federal judge last week approved settlement of a public-interest lawsuit that won a significant victory for the people of Flint, Mich. The judge’s decision binds the state and federal governments to replace the city’s 18,000 lead-coated and galvanized water service lines within three years.

Chris Hedges – Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water

What is in the mind of someone who knowingly poisons children and impairs their lives? Why did the politicians, regulators and bureaucrats who knew the water in Flint, Mich.,was toxic lie about the danger for months? What does it say about a society that is ruled by, and refuses to punish, those who willfully destroy the lives of children? The crisis …