Tony Cartalucci – Confirmed: US to “Use” Al Qaeda to Take Syria

The Daily Beast’s article, “Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS,” reveals the final piece to the “safe haven” or “buffer zone” puzzle, providing the world a complete picture of how the United States and its regional allies, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, and others, plan to finally overthrow the government in Damascus, and eliminate Syria as a …

Bill Gertz – Pentagon Not Targeting Islamic State Training Camps

The Pentagon has not conducted airstrikes against an estimated 60 Islamic State (IS) training camps that are supplying thousands of fighters each month to the terror group, according to defense and intelligence officials. The camps are spread throughout Islamic State-controlled areas of Iraq and Syria and are off limits in the U.S.-led international bombing campaign because of concerns about collateral …

Thalif Deen – Europe Squabbles While Refugees Die

UNITED NATIONS – As tens of thousands of refugees continue to flee conflict-ridden countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, Western European governments and international humanitarian organisations are struggling to cope with a snowballing humanitarian crisis threatening to explode. Hungary is building a fence to ward off refugees.  Slovakia says it will accept only Christian refugees, triggering a condemnation by …

Ramzy Baroud – ‘Islamic State’ Pretence and the Upcoming Wars in Libya

Another war is in the making in Libya: the questions are ‘how’ and ‘when’? While the prospect of another military showdown is unlikely to deliver Libya from its current security upheaval and political conflict, it is likely to change the very nature of conflict in that rich, but divided, Arab country. An important pre-requisite to war is to locate an …

Probability of US again bombing Libya is always there’

The US might carry out air strikes again in Libya, but it won’t improve the conditions on the ground, says Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire. The US would rather allow Egypt and the UAE to carry out certain aspects of this foreign policy in Libya, he adds. Battles between Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants and local …

Glenn Greenwald and Anthony Freda – Obama: “The Peacemaker”

The list includes one country where he twice escalated a war that was being waged when he was inaugurated (Afghanistan), another where he withdrew troops to great fanfare only to then order a new bombing campaign (Iraq), two countries where he converted very rare bombings into a constant stream of American violence featuring cluster bombs and “signature strikes” (Pakistan and …

Jay Janson – Left Progressives Collaborated As Investors in Genocide Owned CNN CIA US Gov & NATO Destroyed Libya

Gaddafi overthrew a British installed King, brought Libya from Africa’s poorest nation to be its wealthiest with a UN Quality of Life Index higher than 9 European countries. A million Libyans out of a total population 6, desperately demonstrated for their Green Book Democracy and beloved Gaddafi outside Tripoli as Britain & France bombed. Left Progressives either collaborated with or …

Leid Stories – 07.28.15

The 2016 Duopoly Doo-Wop: Are They Singing Your Tune? Judging from news coverage, especially in recent weeks, the 2016 presidential election is in full swing—cast, as usual, as a two-party squareoff. A crowded slate of 16 Republicans (so far) and a more modest one of five Democrats (so far) have been scouring the country looking for money and votes. To …

Alexa Corse – The Missing Hillary Emails No One Can Explain

Two very different groups are trying to track down months’ worth of Clinton emails. One wants to know about her reaction to Libyan violence; the other, about her aide Huma Abedin. Among the hundreds of emails released by the State Department from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private account, there is a conspicuous two-month gap. So far, there are …