Andre Damon – The climate crisis and imperialism

The outcome of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which concluded over the weekend in Paris, has been hailed almost universally by politicians and the press as a triumph of international collaboration that will pull mankind back from the brink of ecological disaster. The New York Times called the deal a “historic breakthrough.” The British Guardian declared that it demonstrated “just how much …

Jagoda Munic – Paris Agreement Will Not Stop Climate Change, But People Power Can

PARIS, France – The most inspiring moment of December 12 was not the adoption of the United Nations Paris agreement but the sight of more than 20,000 people on the streets, building the power of the people, demanding climate justice and an end to dirty energy. The Paris agreement was a diplomatic success but it will not stop the climate …

BILL McKIBBEN – Falling Short on Climate in Paris

Paris — THE climate news last week came out of Paris, where the world’s nations signed off on an agreement to finally begin addressing global warming. Or, alternately, the climate news came out of Chennai, India, where hundreds died as flooding turned a city of five million into an island. And out of Britain, where the heaviest rains ever measured …