Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.09.16

The CRISIS AT PACIFICA is at the breaking point. The network of five crucial radio stations in New York, DC, Houston, Los Angeles and Berkeley is on the brink of bankruptcy. Always full of faction, the stations are now close to collapse.

We are joined by STEVE BROWN, JAN GOODMAN, MYLA RESON and GARY NULL to discuss the depth of the stations’ problems and if, how and why the network can be saved.

What Women Must Know – Naturally Treating and Preventing Osteoporosis with Dr.Laura Kelly – 08.25.16

Dr. Laura Kelly is a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She completed her medical training and doctorate at Yo San University in Los Angeles. Her private practice focuses on primary care and chronic disease. She is working with a research group to document the biochemical effects of Chinese herbs on fatigue and is leading the investigation on a nonsurgical treatment for paralysis. She is the co-author of The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook. She lives and works in Topanga, California.

Harvey Wasserman – Bonnie Raitt Just Keeps Getting Better

t’s not often a single stanza can sum up a whole political system. But those words from Bonnie Raitt ring truer every day as this pathetic “selection” season lurches ever deeper into astounding ugliness. As evidenced by her new album, Dig in Deep, and her current concert tour, the opposite is true of Ms. Raitt, whose astonishing talent and endless heart …

Ilana Yurkiewicz – Medical disrespect

He comes to the operating room late, greets no one, and berates the nurse for not setting up the stepstools the way he likes. He tells the resident she doesn’t know the anatomy and sighs when she adjusts her grip on a surgical tool. He slaps the hand of the medical student when she reaches for the retractor to pull …

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – It’s About Control – 06.22.16

Mayer Rothschild is famously quoted as saying “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” – and so it is. When we look at the distribution of capital, we see that those who control the franchise of creating money through loans and debt rule our world. Ellen speaks with one of the planet’s oldest serving statesmen, Canada’s Paul Hellyer, about the nature of this controlling franchise and about the alternatives still available. Walt McRee speaks with Lisa Cody, a researcher for the Service Employees International Union, who did a landmark study of the outrageous costs Los Angeles has paid private financiers as part of our ongoing series What Wall Street Costs America, and Matt Stannard comments on the increasingly popular idea of providing a basic income to people as one way of balancing the scales against the controlling interests.

Martin Guzman – Wall Street’s worst vulture hedge funds are making a killing by undermining the global economy

Recently, a resonant legal victory of hedge funds over Argentina has captured the attention of the global community. The hedge funds in this case aren’t run of the mill investment shops, however. Popularly known as vulture funds, their modus operandi is to buy up the debt of countries suffering crises at bargain prices, only to fiercely litigate with them afterwards. They …

Go Harrison – 06.13.16

Guest 1: Lauren Meister – West Hollywood Mayor – Discusses the Orlando massacre and what went down in Los Angeles as well.

Guest 2: Professor Junaid Ahmadhmad Director of the Center for Global Dialogue – Currently in Virginia, Ahmad is based in Lahore. Professor Ahmed is also a muslim and has also been secretary general of JUST International, the International Movement to Create a Just World. He is on the faculty of advanced studies at the University of Management Technology and on the faculty of law and policy at the Lahore University of Management Sciences.

“The Orlando mass shooting is a tragic atrocity that is, at the very least, partially attributable to the multiple fundamentalisms spawned by the political maneuverings of Washington and its ‘moderate’ fundamentalist allies in the Muslim world, particularly Saudi Arabia. While it is still too soon to determine the veracity of the narratives around the shooter’s motives and recent behavior, even if we accept some version of it – it is a tragic amalgamation of the systemic pathologies of our time: fundamentalist-inspired hatred of the ‘other’, in this case homosexuals, and militarized, terrorizing violence, conducted wholesale by states and retail by private, non-state actors. Whether or not mental illness contributed to this shooting, it is incontrovertible that these tragic cases have nothing to do with religion per se, but deeper contemporary processes that have fueled violence at home and abroad, with guns, bombs, and drones that have caused countless, nameless victims, in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, becoming so commonplace.

“In addition, it’s important to remember that while conservative ‘orthodoxies’ in all religions, including in Islam, may be homophobic, Muslim thought, practice and behavior has become much more intolerant of homosexuality because of two principal reasons: a) imposition and importation of Western homophobia since the beginning of Western colonialism, with contemporary Muslim homophobic rhetoric reflecting less of Islamic tradition, and far more of Western Victorian and Protestant Fundamentalist vitriol, and b) Washington’s favorite ally in the Muslim world, Saudi Arabia, advancing a fundamentalist violent contempt for anyone not subscribing to their Wahhabi puritanism. Islamophobic and, indeed, homophobic politicians and pundits in the U.S. will conveniently ignore these two factors when pontificating on yet another example, for them, of ‘Islamic terrorism.'”

Stephen Fox – In the California Primary, More Ballots Remain Uncounted than the Total Number of votes for Hillary Clinton!

I warned Californians that they would see their primary become as egregious as New York’s Primary! California’s Uncounted Ballots, from several different sages, pundits, pollworkers, and commenters in California compiled from extensive article by Michael Hertz in Los Angeles Progressive First this: from Larry Wines   Brace yourself. The actual numbers are shocking. More ballots remain uncounted than the total number of …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 06.07.16

Guest #1 – Kevin Hinchey is a film directory, professor of cinemaphotography and a director of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust that managers the Wilhelm Reich archives at Harvard University’s Countway Library of medicine. He also operates the Wilhelm Reich museum in Rangeley Maine. Kevin has a masters from NYU’s Graduate Film School and has worked as a screenwriter in Los Angeles and New York City and currently teaches film making and courses about Reich in Connecticut and Massachusetts. His lecture series, TheTrue Story of Government Ordered Bookburning in America, about the destruction of tons of Reich’s works is a warning of scientific totalitarianism. Kevin is currently editing a full featured documentary about the life and thought and research of Wilhelm Reich – the Wilhelm Reich Documentary Film Project. To help fund the project, visit–7#/

Guest #2 – Professor James (Jim) Strick teaches in the department of earth environment studies at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster Pennsylvania, where is also the Chair of the Program in Science and Technologhy. Dr. Strick was trained in microbiology and has specialized in the history science, the history of biological ideas and experimentation into life. Jim holds degrees SUNY, two masters degrees – one in history from Princeton University and another in environmental sciences from SUNY, and doctorate in history from Princeton. He has published volumes about Darwin, Astrobiology and NASA, the debate about the origins of life and an excellent volume about Wilhelm Reich – Wilhelm Reich Biologist” – published by Harvard Press. He is an advisor of the journal ISIS from the History of Science Society and has published articles in numerous professional journals.