John Read PhD is a psychologist who has taught and researched in Great Britain, Australia and the US. He has taken on many of the most important mental health issues of our time: the role of neglect and abuse in all so-called mental disorders, the role of trauma in hearing voices, the dreadful impact of long-term exposure to antidepressants, the harm of …
Richard J Jackson – Essay: Meteorologists and the sacred position between people and science.
SEATTLE—At the core of medical and of public health training, we learn that you cannot just look narrowly at the problem in front of you, you are obliged to look for the systemic causes, how did the patient get into this state and what are the challenges going forward? Failing to do so is malpractice. If an internist were to …
Love Lust And Laughter – 01.24.17
Rebecca Gould author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet – Embrace your sexual energy and awaken your senses for a healthier, happier, sexier you” returned to the program (www.THEMULTIOGASMICDIET.COM). Rebecca and Dr. Diana reviewed the question – What is the multi-orgasmic diet? We also sampled more questions, for example: What struggles did Rebecca face that made her want to help other women in this way? One of those women, Nicole from Brooklyn, called in (in the process receiving a free book), asking about foods that might help her sexual relationship. Rebecca and I also discussed this: What would you tell women who have sexual trauma or feel sexually shut down? Another profound discussion: How does one apply Rebecca’s wisdom to relating to others? Many questions and many answers…You’ll want to hear the program!
The power of maternal touch
Touch is habitual and can sometimes be involuntary for many people; a casual stroke to express affection, or a hug to offer comfort. However, a study by NUS Psychology researchers has revealed that touch is a significant factor in the social development of young children between four and six years. Conducted by a team supervised by NUS Psychology Associate Professor …
What Women Must Know – Healing Chronic Degnerative Diseases and Rejuvenating with Ozone Therapy with Marcus Freudenmann – 01.05.17
Marcus Freudenmann has dedicated the past 15 years to researching and finding solutions to chronic, degenerative diseases, including cancer. Marcus has learned from over 100 of at the world’s leading doctors and authored the book, “Healing Cancer with Common Sense”. He also produced the documentary, “Cancer is Curable Now”. He is the founder and director of Truly Heal Academy which offers accreditation programs for functional medicine certified health coaches and health professions.
Study links protein in wheat to chronic inflammation conditions
Consuming a family of proteins found in wheat can lead to a host of chronic health conditions, United European Gastroenterology scientists say in a study. The research turns the focus away from gluten, typically linked to various digestive problems, to a family of proteins called amylase-trypsin inhibitors, or ATIs. According to scientists involved with the study, the proteins trigger inflammation …
Sick cities: why urban living can be bad for your mental health
You are lying down with your head in a noisy and tightfitting fMRI brain scanner, which is unnerving in itself. You agreed to take part in this experiment, and at first the psychologists in charge seemed nice. They set you some rather confusing maths problems to solve against the clock, and you are doing your best, but they aren’t happy. …
Study examines role of gut bacteria in neurodegenerative diseases
Researchers from the University of Louisville say their latest study confirms gut bacteria play a role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotropic lateral sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease are characterized by misfolded proteins and inflammation of the brain. Scientists say they are unsure about the causes of 90 percent of cases recorded. In the …
Carolanne Wright – Scientists Discover Instinctual “Reptilian” Region of the Brain Directly Linked to Compassion and Happiness
We’ve all had those kinds of days where everything seems to go wrong. You’re running late, and hit every single stoplight from home to work. Kids are uncooperative. You forget your phone (and wallet). You spill coffee down the front your shirt. And so it goes. Nothing overly shocking, it happens to everyone now and again, but science is finding …
The conflict between science and religion lies in our brains
The conflict between science and religion may have its origins in the structure of our brains, researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Babson College have found. Clashes between the use of faith vs. scientific evidence to explain the world around us dates back centuries and is perhaps most visible today in the arguments between evolution and creationism. To believe …