The Plutocracy Report 3\23\18 In this show Vince starts with an angry commentary about our skies. Then he talks about solving problems by looking at things from a different mindset, as he touches on creating a new currency, Fukushima, and the gulf oil spill disaster. Next he plays a song by Roger Waters that he connects to Israeli oppression over …
Ask Beatty – 12.19.17
Today is my 200th ASK BEATTY show…..the final show for 2017. What better way to end the year than having Dr. Gary Null as my guest. Gary is an internationally recognized Alternative Health Expert, bestselling author of over 50 books, activist, filmmaker, researcher, healer, radio talk show host, entrepreneur and Founder of the Progressive Radio Network. Listen to this intimate …
Project Censored – 07.11.17
Peter Phillips and guest co-host Michael Sukhov spend the hour with Alison Weir, founder of the organization “If Americans Knew.” The interview focuses on two ongoing initiatives by pro-Israel organzations: — efforts to have the definition of “anti-Semitic” rewritten to encompass criticisms of the Israeli government, a campaign underway in domains ranging from the State Department to university campuses. …
Leid Stories—Trump Advances His Agenda In 9-Day Trip Abroad, But A Dismal Welcome Awaits Him At Home—05.22.17
President Donald Trump is spending two days—today and tomorrow—in Israel, seeking to broker peace talks between the Israeli and Palestinian governments. It’s his second stop on a wide-ranging nine-day tour of Middle East and European countries of strategic value to the United States, and between and among the countries themselves, regarding such matters as trade, security, terrorism and cooperation. But …
Ramzy Baroud – Hold your applause, Fatah, the Palestinian body politic is rotten to the core
In July 2003, the then Palestinian Authority Chairman, Yasser Arafat, described Mahmoud Abbas as a “traitor” who “betrayed the interests of the Palestinian People.” Arafat loathed Abbas to the very end. This particular outburst was made during a meeting with United Nations envoy Terje Larsen. The meeting took place a few months after Arafat was coerced by the US, Israel …
Israel harvesting slain Palestinians’ organs: Palestine’s UN envoy
The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations (UN) says the Tel Aviv regime is harvesting the organs of Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied territories. Riyad Mansour said in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday that the bodies of the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces are “returned with missing corneas and other …
Alan Hart – Obama Has Washed His Hands of Palestine And Is Walking Away From It
In his major speech at Cairo University on 4 June 2009 which he labelled as marking “a new beginning” in the relationship between the Islamic world and the West, President Obama described the. Palestinian situation as “intolerable”. And he put flesh on that bone by saying, “They endure the daily humiliations, large and small, that come with occupation.” He also …
Norman Pollack – Israel’s Defamation of Judaism
Israel has come a long way since 1967 in the construction of an apartheid state and society with respect to the Palestinians, in truth, the proto-Nazification of policy and conduct in which the gas chamber has been replaced by the more protracted denial of life to the victims of an ethnocentric/racial ideology achieved through the degradation of a whole people: …
Zaid Jilani – 1,000 Palestinians Wounded, 24 Killed, Yet Hillary Clinton Laments Only Israeli Deaths
The past two weeks have seen enormous clashes in the Holy Land, with a wave of violence between Palestinians primarily in the occupied West Bank but also in Gaza clashing with Israeli soldiers, settlers and civilians. The violence has many believing that a third Palestinian intifada, uprising against the occupation, is brewing. This uprising is taking a different form, with …
Leid Stories – 08.18.15
Israeli American Peace Activist Miko Peled Says Zionism, Like Apartheid, Must Be Dismantled
Israeli American peace activist Miko Peled, a former captain in the Israeli Defense Force whose grandfather, Avraham Katznelson, was one of the founders of the Zionist state, and whose father, Mattityahu Peled, was an army general who became a leading voice for a negotiated peace with the Palestine Liberation Organization, explains why Zionism must be dismantled.
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