The Intelligence Hour is a fifty-eight- minute program designed to provide a professional, credible and entertaining show on intelligence issues from a Constitutional perspective. Some of the issues the program will cover: ï‚· The Shadow Government/Deep State ï‚· Patriot Act ï‚· CIA Torture and Rendition ï‚· NSA Domestic Surveillance ï‚· CIA Surveillance/WikiLeaks Vault 7 ï‚· FBI Warrantless Searches/National Security Letters …
New Show On PRN!
The Intelligence Hour Monday’s 6:00 EST.
Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.14.17
A look at the shadow government from the perspective of a former senior CIA official, the Wikileaks dump of CIA documents, and Trump’s battle against the CIA and the intelligence agencies
The Personal Computer Show – 10.05.16
Yahoo reportedly gave US government access to all users’ emails
Security analyst says Yahoo!, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Tumblr all popped by same gang
HP backtracks on third-party ink cartridges, reserves right to lock them out it in the future
Termination fees for terminated people now against the law
Ludicrous Patent of the Week: Rectangles on a computer screen
Melinda Gates’ initiative is about getting more women into STEM
PRODUCT REVIEW – Antop AT-100 Indoor TV Antenna