#1- A zero cost “secret stash” security tip for people traveling in and around Latin America(or anywhere for that matter) #2 Oh for the good old days when “Cash was King”. Have you heard cash is on the way out and will soon be dead in the first world? It’s now being phased out in certain sheeple infested European countries …
Leid Stories—Think Out Loud and Free Your Mind!—06.02.17
Start a brand-new conversation of your own or add your two cents to someone else’s. It’s up to you. Either way, it’s all about what you think, and that’s what “Free Your Mind Friday” is all about. Call 888-874-4888 and think out loud! Download this episode (right click and save)
Meria Heller – Meria With Richie Allen – 05.28.17
Meria Interviews Richie Allen of the Richie Allen Show. Richie is close by the Manchester Arena and people did die; the Arena itself, size and access; Salman Abedi – who is he? ID survives again; the bomb was not detonated inside the arena; were there drills? the number 22; JFK 11/22/63; how did his ID survive? LIHOP vs. MIHOP; drugs …
Hazel Sheffield – The science of sleep and why napping is good for you
The Arndale shopping centre in Manchester is an impractical place to take a nap. Shoppers hurry through its drafty, off-white interior. People stop on curvy benches to eat Greggs pasties. Workers rush back to their desks before the end of their lunch break. No one notices the low throbbing sound emanating from a big black tent right in the middle …
The Larger The City You Live In, The More Magnetic Particles Enter Your Brain
Can traffic fumes go to your head? Ultra-fine particles of metal in exhaust gases fly up our noses and travel into our brains, where they contribute to diseases associated with the central nervous system, and the more congested the city, the bigger the problem. Iron nanoparticles were already known to be present in the brain — but they were thought …
Amando Flavio – Disturbing: Researchers Finally Confirm That Cancer Is A Purely Man-Made Disease
Researchers from the University Of Manchester, United Kingdom, have concluded that cancer is a purely modern, man-made disease. In the United Kingdom alone, Cancer claims more than 150,000 lives each year. Statistics also show that about one in three people in the United Kingdom is likely to get cancer. The researchers spent a great deal of time studying mummies, fossils and …
Rob Hager – The Top Nine Developments that Defined the Struggle between Democracy and Plutocracy in 2015
January 30, 1976 is to plutocracy in the United States what July 4, 1776 was to its democracy. The fortieth anniversary of Buckley v Valeo, the 1976 Supreme Court decision that legalized systemic political corruption and fraud, presents an opportunity to assess its continuing impact. The importance of the decision will be known to those who have successfully tracked the telltale …
Lee Fang – Hillary Clinton Laughs When Asked if She Will Release Transcripts of Her Goldman Sachs Speeches
After Hillary Clinton spoke at a town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Friday, I asked her if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs. She laughed and turned away. Clinton has recently been on the defensive about the speaking fees she and her husband have collected. Those fees total over $125 million since 2001. …
Leid Stories – 12.21.15
The Democratic Debacle: Debating the Not-Debate
Leid Stories and listeners deconstruct the third Q&A session with the three remaining Democratic candidates vying for the presidential nomination in 2016. The so-called “debate,” hosted by ABC News, was held Dec. 19 at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire.
Happiness spreads but depression doesn’t
Having friends who suffer from depression doesn’t affect the mental health of others, according to research led by the University of Warwick. The academics found that having friends can help teenagers recover from depression or even avoid becoming depressed in the first instance. The findings are the result of a study of the way teenagers in a group of US …
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