Resistance Radio – Guest: Ramsey Kanaan – 09.24.17

Ramsey Kanaan has been involved in attempting to disseminate the good word for well over three and a half decades now. As a young teenager, he founded AK Press (named after his mother’s initials) from his bedroom in Scotland. He’s co-founder and Publisher with PM Press. You can check out his current efforts at Download this episode (right click and …

Errors, fraud, lies, and William Saletan – GM papaya: Saviour or health risk?

In Part 1 of this series we saw how Saletan used his Slate magazine piece to blame the critics of golden rice for the blindness and death of countless malnourished children, without making it clear that the real reasons this GMO crop is still unavailable are: 1. it has failed its field trials; 2. it hasn’t been safety tested; 3. it hasn’t …

The “Fight for $15″ and the Return of the Vanishing Worker – Richard Eskow

On April 15, perhaps as you’re reading these words, working people in 200 American cities will rally for a $15 base wage and the right to form a union. Solidarity demonstrations are planned in more than 30 cities on six continents, and have already taken place in Switzerland, the Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, and Japan. The “fight for $15” matters …

International People’s Tribunal to try Philippines President Aquino and Obama for Crimes against the Filipino People

An international tribunal will try cases of human rights violations perpetrated by Philippines President Ninoy Aquino, as well as United States (US) President Barack Obama, in Washington D.C. next July.  The International People’s Tribunal, initiated by non-government organizations, human rights groups and solidarity groups in the Philippines and the United States, was launched today in Quezon City, Philippines. It is being seen …