Warrior Connection- 10.08.17

The October  8 discussion on Warrior Connection was about alternative treatments such as acupuncture and tens unit use with  Dr. Lisa Conboy, MA, MS, ScD; Instructor in Medicine, Part-time, Director of the Research Department, The New England School of Acupuncture at MCPHS University  and her colleague Dr. Beth Sangree  of The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. Download this episode (right click and save)

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.28.16

Peter Gøtzsche, MD, an extraordinary physician and researcher, talks with me about the self-deception and denial rampant in psychiatry as we ask, “How can our colleagues behave in this way?” We look at the mountain of money, power and authority looming over our reform efforts and ask, “How can we succeed?” A heartfelt conversation about the disaster of modern psychiatry and our personal and professional efforts to come to grips with it. We look at the plight of patients whose doctors do not listen to them and indeed the plight of psychiatrists seemingly compelled to do harm regardless of the truth and any efforts to stop them. This is the final in a marvelous series of four consecutive conversations with Peter about the state of psychiatry and what can be done about it, available on prn.fm and on breggin.com. I can think of no better introduction to psychiatric reform than listening to these four dialogues.

Why you should thank your aging brain

If you forget a name or two, take longer to finish the crossword, or find it hard to manage two tasks at once, you’re not on the road to dementia. What you’re experiencing is your brain changing the way it works as you get older. And in many ways it’s actually working better. Studies have shown that older people have …

Statin Scam Exposed: Cholesterol Drugs Cause Rapid Aging, Brain Damage And Diabete –

Statins, the widely prescribed class of drugs said to lower “bad” cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart problems, has recently come under fire after a study revealed that they destroy human health more than they work to improve it. Sadly, many people take statin drugs, which are commonly known by brand names including Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor. Prescription drug …

Single neuron may carry over 1,000 mutations

A single neuron in a normal adult brain likely has more than a thousand genetic mutations that are not present in the cells that surround it, according to new research from Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists. The majority of these mutations appear to arise while genes are in active use, after brain development is complete. “We found that the …

Brutality is Our Society’s Trademark—From the Justice System to Healthcare – Donna Smith

Over the past several weeks, we’ve seen so many examples of brutality played out in our cities — and mostly our most impoverished areas — that it isn’t difficult to see why so many people are in the streets.  Many say white people cannot truly understand the deep racial issues that target African American people and their communities, and that …