Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.10.16

MAJOR DEFECT AT 98 OF 99 US NUKES revealed by 7 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission experts. The “NRC7” has filed a rare public report warning that the electrical defect threatens the safety of virtually all US nukes. We talk about it with the great DAVID LOCHBAUM of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The “regulatory” agency responsible for our safety has ignored this for years.

We then ask statistician RICHARD CHARNIN whether Bernie Sanders was in fact the rightful winner of the Massachusetts Primary. We’re joined by BOB FITRAKIS to investigate a key primary which, if Bernie had been given credit for it, would’ve shifted the entire race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. According to Charnin, the evidence is pretty clear the Bernie was, in fact, the victor, a shocking conclusion that casts doubt on the entire electoral process.