The Conspiracy Guy #15: The Wikileaks release of documents about the capacities and practices of the CIA in infiltrating networks and spying on Americans, including the ability to falsify the sources of hacks (as having been done by Russians, for example), renders the CIA’s claims that Russia hacked the DNC files an enormous joke! The unrelenting attacks upon President Trump for being “out of touch with reality” is contradicted by the revelation of a dozen instances of CIA spying on foreign leaders and American journalists, which puts the lie to the protestation by an Obama spokesman that Obama never conducted surveillance on an US citizen. The law, moreover, grants the power to initiate electronic surveillance without a court order by going through the Attorney General. It thus appears that Loretta Lynch was the party who, at the President’s direction, allows the surveillance to be conducted on Donald J. Trump during the campaign and prior to election. Mark Levin has documented (from public sources) the history of the campaign against Trump, which now appears to be part-and-parcel of an effort to overthrow the government of the United States by means of a “soft coup”. Whether or not it succeeds may well depend upon the speed and extent to which the new president is able to “drain the swamp” before he he overwhelmed by a completely unscrupulous media campaign, which confirms what William Colby, then its Director, explained to Congress, namely: that the agency owns everyone of significant in the mainstream media.
Leid Stories—Political Fatigue: They’re Wearing Us Out—03.08.17
We continue yesterday’s discussion on President Trump’s claim that President Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump’s campaign headquarters during the 2016 presidential campaign. Of particular interest are the legal questions Trump’s unprecedented actions raise.
This Can’t Be Happening – 01.25.17
Ellen Schrecker, author of “No Ivory Tower” and other books about the McCarthy era, and a widely acclaimed expert on that subject, talks about similarities — and differences — between that era of anti-communist witch-hunts and our own era of official hounding of government critics, immigrants and “pro-Russian” leftists.
Stephen Barrett and Medical McCarthyism
Page 1 of 67 Stephen Barrett and Medical McCarthyism By S.L & R.A (Concerned that those who engage in uncontested attacks against supporters of alternative health would misconstrue me and my co-author as such, we mean to clarify the following: we are not advocates of the alternative health movement, rather, we are advocates and supporters of truth. – S.L …
Bill Moyers – We, the Plutocrats vs. We, the People
Sixty-six years ago this summer, on my 16th birthday, I went to work for the daily newspaper in the small East Texas town of Marshall where I grew up. It was a good place to be a cub reporter — small enough to navigate but big enough to keep me busy and learning something every day. I soon had a …
Robert Parry – New York Times and the New McCarthyism
Traditional U.S. journalism and the American people are facing a crisis as the preeminent American newspaper, The New York Times, has fully lost its professional bearings, transforming itself into a neoconservative propaganda sheet eager for a New Cold War with Russia and imposing a New McCarthyism on public debate. The crisis is particularly acute because another top national newspaper, The Washington Post, is …
Turning Point – 03.07.16
Two interviews—re: Trump and Trumpism…
And the only sane way to have a medical system: Single Payer/Medicare for all…