The key to TTIP is the so-called Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism that essentially gives corporations free reign to sue governments using a “failure to implement” provision, if state policies or legislation interfere with profits. But is this all about trade? There was a direct, crucial “secret” agenda linking the G7 meeting in Germany and theBilderberg meeting in Austria last week; the advancement of the …
The End Of Meaningful Work: A World Of Machines And Social Alienation – Daniel Drew
Many activists are clamoring for a higher minimum wage. That’s an admirable goal, but is that where the worst problem is? Even at the abysmally low wages of the present moment, we still have 938,000 people being turned away from McDonald’s because there aren’t enough McJobs. The real problem is the lack of meaningful work. In a world of machines and social alienation, meaningful work …