Progressive Radio Network


To kick off National Infant Immunization Week, the U.S. Surgeon General teamed up with Sesame Street and Elmo for behavior placement directed at your children. Apparently, the campaign seeks…
A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics claims to delineate the source and spread of measles during the widely hyped Disneyland measles outbreak, of course…
The vaccine industry rakes in billions of dollars – every year. Is it any wonder that pharmaceutical companies – that develop these vaccines – are…
As if parents didn’t already have enough to worry about when faced with pro-vaccine pressure from healthcare professionals, government agencies and fellow parents, additional vaccine dangers continue…
Like clockwork, the Disneyland measles false flag has predictably evolved into a national call for medical fascism, as politicians from both sides of the aisle…
The current measles outbreak and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear…
March 19, 2015 – Birth defect rates rose after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in five hard-hit US states bordering the Pacific Ocean, says a new…
The latest on health and healing - good information on vitamin K2 for women. How curcumin has proven effective at combating cancer. Pollution levels related…
Immunocompromised: immune system suppression due to any medical condition, drug or treatment. Proclaiming the need to protect immunocompromised children from the unvaccinated is the cause…
Major US news media have presented a grossly distorted and misleading interpretation of vaccines and their relationship to public health since early January. These journalistic…