JOHN MAULDIN – These 6 Charts Show Why the Average American Is Fed Up

The last 20 years have brought great wealth to a few while most of the population was lucky to break even. Whether you’re a member of the elite/protected class or one of the unprotected, it’s hard to deny this reality. Household income is going nowhere Here’s an update of Doug Short’s household income chart:

Sarah Leonard, Bhaskar Sunkara – Why Our Generation’s Best Chance Is Socialism

Every election season is a time of bemoaning why millennials won’t vote for politicians boldly committed to picking at the edges of their problems. Consider a snapshot of the situation young people face: the unemployment rate for workers under age 25 is 18.1 percent; unemployment for black people who have not graduated from high school is 82.5 percent; the people …

Expat Files – 02.12.16

– More new evidence the Panama commercial real estate bubble is imploding

-Yes, there are large, overripe residential and commercial real estate bubbles throughout Latin America. Even if that wasn’t so, there are so many mindless government bureaucratic hurdles that it’s just not wise to attempt to build any commercial construction project from scratch- not in any large Latin city. However, many of those same hurdles somehow do not exist in when attempting such projects in smaller towns and just outside the big cites (go figure). In short, buy what you like when the bubble pops, but for now, RENT!

-According to experts, 15-20% of Latins have 24/7 internet in the home. Did you know that more than 95% of those connected use the net exclusively for social media and moronic entertainment purposes? Yes, it’s a sad state of affairs, but are percentages any different foe users in the states?

-Getting permanent residency in a Latin country is highly recommended, in fact essential. Just a year or so ago the process used to be fairly easy and straightforward- but Latin manana time slow. However, US agencies are now actively throwing up their own mindless barriers for gringos trying to obtain the necessary documents to begin that process. Why? Uncle Sam doesn’t want his sheep to leave the barn.

America Crosses The Tipping Point: The Middle Class Is Now A Minority

Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough, notes NPR’s Marilyn Geewax, but this year – for the first time in US history, that changed. A new analysis of government data showsthat as of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority, extending a multi-decade decline that confirms the hollowing out of …

Trends This Week – Economic hard trend lines & an invigorating trends retreat – 12.02.15

Gerald Celente forecasts: When the final numbers are tabulated, overall holiday sales will trend lower for 2015 and the overall retail sector will grow weaker in 2016. Indeed, beyond the holiday season, from luxury brands, to mid-range and low-end product sales, there is a slow and steady slump across all retail sectors throughout most of the developed and emerging markets. In the United States, for example, where consumer spending accounts for some 70 percent of the nation’s GDP, the downbeat reports from retailers throughout the year are clear trends of tepid growth followed by steady decline. With the labor force participation rate at 38-year lows, median household income below 1999 levels, medical costs are rising along with property and school taxes far faster than wages. And with some 51 percent of working Americans earning under $30,000 a year, there will be less discretionary income for non-essential retail products. Celente also breaks down the reasons why the price of gold is tanking and what the future holds for it. Elsewhere in the show he’s joined by a special guest to provide details and testimonials on the upcoming “Prepare for 2016” trends and well being retreat in Naples, Florida, January 10-16.

Portrait of the American Oligarchy – The Very Troubling Income and Wealth Trends Since 1989 Michael – Krieger

One of the primary purposes of Liberty Blitzkrieg is to dispel the myth that America is politically a democracy and economically a free market, and prove that it is in fact a centrally planned oligarchy. If the people were well aware of this and fine with it, that’s one thing, but my contention is that the vast majority of the public is merely …