CHARITY CROUSE – Right Out in Plain Sight: Dona Hillary and the Clinton Cartel

Politics in the U.S. has long been accepted as dirty business, especially when it comes to U.S. relations with Latin America. But a new standard has been set with the ascendance of presidential contender Hillary Clinton. The March 3, 2016 assassination of Lenca leader Berta Carceres is a direct result of policies enabled and supported by Clinton and her criminal …

Study shows broccoli may offer protection against liver cancer

Consumption of broccoli has increased in the United States over the last few decades as scientists have reported that eating the vegetable three to five times per week can lower the risk of many types of cancer including breast, prostate, and colon cancers. A new study from the University of Illinois reports that including broccoli in the diet may also …

Melanie Evans – The Affordable Care Act isn’t wiping out unpaid hospital bills

The economy of Gillette, Wyo., has slumped along with the fortunes of companies like Devon Energy and Peabody Energy, which have slashed jobs because of the prolonged downturn in oil and gas prices. Taxes on property, coal and oil support the county-owned hospital, but revenue has dipped because of dwindling population and a rising number of uninsured residents amid the …

Expanding Mind – Terra Nova – 10.22.15

A talk with Martin Winiecki from the Institute for Global Peace Work about community building, trust, water, and the amazing Tamera cooperative in Portugal. You can download the new book by Tamera co-founder Dieter Duhm, Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love, from For more, go to

Obamacare continues historic downward slide by Joan McCarter

In the uninsured rate, that is. Gallup reports another low in the uninsured rate, which they’ve been tracking for the past seven years. The rate fell another half of a percentage point, from 11.9 percent to 11.4 percent, in the last quarter. The uninsured rate has dropped nearly six percentage points since the fourth quarter of 2013, just before the requirement for …

US health insurers seek huge rate increases for 2016 By Kate Randall

Health insurance companies across the US are seeking rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent and more, according to filings by the insurers with state insurance commissions. Insurance companies cite a larger than expected pool of unhealthy enrollees, high drug prices, and diminishing profits as contributing factors requiring the premium hikes. The rate increase requests are the latest demonstration …

Obamacare: Death to Physicians? Suicide Rates Climb Since ACA Passed – Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D

Chaos and disruptions in medical care have had one tragic and destructive effect that no one is addressing: the deaths of more than 2,000 physicians by suicide since Obamacare was passedby means of strong-arming and bribery.   Physicians in general have a higher rate of suicide than other professional groups and the general public. Women physicians’ suicide rates are reported to …

Obamacare’s health plan choice benefits are vastly overrated – Dr. Philip Caper

It is well documented that many other countries have created health care systems that are more popular than ours, cover everybody, are more effective as measured by better health outcomes, are better able to restrain increases in costs and, therefore, have per-capita costs that are a fraction of ours. One of the reasons for the popularity of universal health care systems elsewhere …

“21st Century Cures” Bill Is Actually a Throwback to the 20th Century

This legislation reveals once again that government will always be decades behind cutting-edge healthcare, and beholden to special interests as well. Action Alert! After a year of discussions and negotiation, Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI), together with three other co-sponsors, finally released a preliminary draft of their 21st Century Cures bill. It’s clear that the authors intend this bill to …

One-Third of Seniors with Dementia Are Being Given Antipsychotics

—even though such toxic drugs are not approved to treat dementia! A report [1] from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that nearly one-third of older adults with dementia who spent more than 100 days in a nursing home were given antipsychotics through Medicare’s prescription drug program in 2012. We previously reported that a similar situation exists with brain-damaged veterans [2]—and even with infants and young …