Ian Sample – Experts warn home ‘gene editing’ kits pose risk to society

The simplicity and low cost of tools to edit the genetic code means “garage scientists” – or amateurs with some skill – can now perform their own experiments, posing a potential risk from the release of GM bugs, a new report suggests. In a report published on Friday, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics said that the rise in precision “gene …

Friendships Better Than Morphine

Friends ‘better than morphine’ – Larger social networks release more pain-killing endorphin, University of Oxford reports People with more friends have higher pain tolerance, Oxford University researchers have found. Katerina Johnson, a doctoral student in the University’s Department of Experimental Psychology, was studying whether differences in our neurobiology may help explain why some of us have larger social networks than others. …

$1,400,000,000,000: Oxfam Exposes the Great Offshore Tax Scam of US Companies

Using an “opaque and secretive network” of subsidiaries in tax havens, top American corporations have stashed $1.4 trillion offshore, a new report from Oxfam shows.With “a range of tricks, tools, and loopholes,” for tax avoidance, the 50 largest U.S. companies, including well-known names like Goldman Sachs, Verizon Communications, Apple, Coca-Cola, IBM, and Chevron, raked in $4 trillion in profits globally …

The Fraud of the American Cancer Society Exposed

Does your insurance cover the latest cancer drug that costs $159 to make, but sells for $106,000? The cost of cancer drugs has skyrocketed lately by more than 5000%, and this is not the exception, but the rule. Despite this gob-smacking display of greed, we continue to finance not only the pharmaceutical industry, but ‘charitable organizations’ that are nothing more than …

Tomorrow’s Anti-Aging Treatment, Available Today

For people who have a few hundred thousand dollars to spend and are willing to take on the risks of an “early adopter” and travel to South America, options are now becoming available that were inconceivable just a few years ago. A new company is leapfrogging over the time-consuming process of testing and regulatory approval, and offering the best-established and …