U.S. Chamber Works Behind the Scenes to Gut Whistleblower Protections

Efforts to gut the federal False Claims Act backed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce got a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday. The federal push builds on previous back-door Chamber efforts through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to discourage states from pursuing fraud claims. The False Claims Act (FCA) allows the government to recover from businesses that defraud government programs like …

What Women Must Know – The Healing Power of Curcumin with Dr. Ajay Goel, PhD – 02.18.16

Ajay Goel PhD is the Director of Epigenetics, Cancer Prevention, and Cancer Genomics at Baylor University Medical Center in Texas.

Dr. Goel has spent 20 years researching cancer and has been the lead author or contributor to over 100 scientific articles published in peer reviewed international journals and several book chapters. He is currently researching the prevention of gastrointestinal cancers using integrative and alternative approaches, including botanical products. Two of the primary botanicals he is investigating are curcumin (from turmeric) and boswellia.

His published clinical trial on major depressive disorder (MDD) showed that a highly potent curcumin extract equaled the effects of the prescription drug fluoxetine (Prozac) without the adverse effects. And his studies on rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis showed potent botanicals to be better for relieving pain and lowering joint line tenderness than the commonly prescribed prescription medications.

Another recent cancer study by Dr. Goel shows the benefits of combining chemotherapy with a special form of highly-absorbable curcumin to improve treatment. The curcumin not only sensitized the cancer cells to the effects of but also protected healthy cells. “Our research found that curcumin was able to ignite the body’s own tumor suppression activity to keep a cancerous tumor from growing and spreading,” said Dr. Goel. On a cellular level, the curcumin kills DNA MMR defective cells that promote cancer growth.

Goel’s research has applications for other diseases. At the cellular level, inflammation is the cause of virtually every disease state in the body. His research with depression and arthritis shows that targeting inflammation has huge benefits for people with these conditions.

Dr. Goel is a member of the American Association for Cancer Research and the American Gastroenterology Association and is on the international editorial boards of World Journal of Gastroenterology and World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. He also performs peer-reviewing activities for almost 50 scientific journals, as well serves on various grant funding committees of the National Institutes of Health.

Jim Hightower – How Big Pharma Is Trying to Improve Its Image

Big news, people! Especially for those of you upset by the skyrocketing prices of the essential prescription medicines you take — including thousands of patients who were hit last year with a 5,000 percent price increase for one lifesaving drug! Determined to do something about those despised price hikes, drugmakers themselves have reached into their corporate toolbox for the two …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Dr. Robert Drapkin, MD – 01.19.16

Host Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Robert Drapkin, MD. Dr. Drapkin is a health care provider who is board certified in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, and Palliative Care. He is in active practice, working to save lives and improve quality of life through the education of his patients. He provides up-to-date knowledge and guides patients through their illnesses, exercises and diets. He has been in active medicine practice for over 36 years. Dr. Drapkin is currently 71 years old and started training as a body builder when he was in his fifties. He has been a competitive body builder for 17 years, and has won many titles and contests. On today’s show, Dr. Drapkin will discuss the benefits of intermittent fasting, along with other health tips for both young and mature individuals , who want to get the most out of life! Contact: http://drrobertmdfacp.com/

Energy Stew – Debra Schildhouse – 01.08.16

Debra Schildhouse wrote about the history and development of Bio-Touch and her experiences at theBio-Touch center.

It’s a simple technique that uses the first two fingers of each hand which are lightly placed on specific points of the body in different sequences. As simple as it looks, it provides dramatic healing and people have been relieved of complex and life threatening conditions.

A friend of mine was suffering from a chronic condition and went there for help. He told me his symptoms very quickly disappeared.

I think you’ll be glad you listened to this interview with Debra, the author of “Bio-Touch, Healing with the Power in Our Fingertips”.

Atul Gawande – Health Care’s Price Conundrum

The more expensive it is, the better it must be. That’s how people used to think about health-care costs. As has become apparent in recent years, however, this is flat wrong. The costs of care vary wildly depending on where you live—by three hundred per cent or more, as I reported in “The Cost Conundrum,” in 2009. And research has …

When memory loss should concern you

Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, Dr. Patrick Coll of UConn’s Center on Aging recommends early screening for those with memory loss, to diagnose whether it is caused by dementia and try to slow its progression. UConn Health’s Memory Assessment Program, part of the Center on Aging, screens patients for dementia, a set of cognitive brain diseases …

Cronyism is Putting Diabetic Patients at Risk

New legislation could limit patient access to unbiased diabetes advice. A bill before Congress called the Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2015 (HR 1726, S 1345) and state efforts by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) will make it more difficult for Medicare patients with diabetes to get the help they need to overcome the disease. The …

Alternative Visions – Social Security’s 80th Birthday And Still Under Attack – 08.15.15

Jack Rasmus and guest, Eric Laursen, discuss the current condition of social security programs in the US today, on this month’s 80th anniversary of the passage of the social security law. A program which has immense popular support by Americans of all political persuasions is nonetheless still under attack, with plans by business and conservative forces to somehow privatize it and let Wall St. get their hands on the money to charge fees and interest. Jack explains how the privatization of defined benefit pension plans in the US since the 1980s and the ongoing privatization of health insurance have led to dual crises that will eventually explode in costs, loss of income, and great hardships. Social Security privatization would lead to the same. Jack and Eric discuss the different conditions of the various funds within social security—the retirement and disability funds, Medicare hospital and doctor coverage, and the prescription drug plan. Both explain how minor changes can ensure funding for all funds to the end of the century. Initiatives to expand social security to provide more benefits are also discussed.

Obamacare’s health plan choice benefits are vastly overrated – Dr. Philip Caper

It is well documented that many other countries have created health care systems that are more popular than ours, cover everybody, are more effective as measured by better health outcomes, are better able to restrain increases in costs and, therefore, have per-capita costs that are a fraction of ours. One of the reasons for the popularity of universal health care systems elsewhere …