A recent DNT commentary article, written and or endorsed by area board-certified pediatricians, oncologists and obstetricians/ gynecologists appeared in the Duluth News-Tribune Op-Ed section promoting the universal use of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for pre-teen and teen-age girls. It appears to be a part of the world-wide billion dollar promotion campaign to get the world’s young women, even in …
The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – NeuroCranialRestructuring (NCR®) for Pain Relief – 06.14.16
Host Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, www.drznaturally.com, interviews Dr. Dean Howell,N.D. Dean Howell was born and raised in Everett, Washington. He is a graduate of Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine , and also has a degree in mathematics. Dr. Howell is an Internationally Renowned Naturopathic Physician who is also the inventor and developer of NeuroCranialRestructuring® ( NCR® ) .Clinically developed and tested over the past 35 years. (NCR®) is a cumulative manipulation process involving controlled release of the body’s connective tissue tension to unwind the body and return it towards its original design. Widely touted as the most powerful therapy existing in physical medicine NeuroCranialRestructuring is an effective therapy for safe and permanent relief from all types of chronic pain without Prescriptions, Painkillers, Exercise or Invasive surgery. NCR is acclaimed worldwide for treating chronic pain – especially musculoskeletal pain attributed to workplace and sports injuries, accidents, aging, and for over 80 other Musculoskeletal and Nervous Disorders. The therapy has brought new life and healing in the lives of more than 60,000 patients who had been, previously deemed untreatable by mainstream medicine.
Contact: 1-888-252-0411,
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 06.08.16
The scientific results are in: Antidepressants do not work. Premier researcher Irving Kirsch, PhD brilliantly explains the facts. Then we have a friendly debate about why psychiatry and medicine have continued to escalate their prescription of antidepressants despite the over overwhelming facts. I have the darker view on human motivation.
Medicine That Kills – Gary Null, Ph.D
American science and public health is the finest in the world, with the smartest people working with the latest technologies to prevent and cure disease. We are exceptional.
That is a common belief held by several million people working within the medical industrial complex. The problem is, it’s untrue. In fact, it’s just the opposite. American medicine kills more people unnecessarily than any other national medical system in the industrialized world. As Harvard School of Medicine professor Lucian Leape noted, American medicine kills 3 jumbo jets-worth of patients every 48 hours.(1)
In this series we review the startling science which suggests that deaths from medical error in the US may be conservatively estimated at 400,000 annually, while severe injuries from medical error may top 10,000,000.(2,3) This equates to 8 million deaths and 200,000,000 severe injuries due to modern medical medicine during the past twenty years. It is higher than the casualties from any single conflict or war in American history.
Meria Heller Show – 05.22.16
Conversations with David.
Meria with David Icke. David kicks off his “Worldwide Wake Up Tour,” Tee shirts of Hillary & Trump – this choice is no choice, No political solutions, only spiritual ones, One party system, People are waking up, Keeping the people engaged, Divide and rule, Zionists backing Trump & Hillary, Inverted world-politics, Medicine, Media, It’s all frequency, Free yourself from the limiting 5 sense reality, Change your point of self-identity, Infinite awareness, Be in the world but not part of it, The word lie is in belief, The holographic self, Perception deception, Not easy breaking free, Social media psychopaths, Words are frequencies and lots more. As Meria says “The only ticket out of here is a spiritual one.”
Sayer Ji – Deadly Chemo-Drug Costs 4,000x More Than Gold
One of the oldest marketing tricks in the book is to dramatically overprice something in order to increase its perceived value. Ironically, the less intrinsic value the commodity holds, the more effective such a tactic can be. This could explain what’s going on with one of the highest priced and most useless chemotherapy drugs on the market today. The chemotherapy …
Energy Stew – Richard A. Bowell – 04.08.16
It looks like everything is polluted. Even our atmosphere has been polluting pristine wildernesses or what’s left of them. Our economy, politics, agriculture, medicine – there’s no secure place to turn.
Can we even trust our minds in this frightening world?
What’s left?
There is a place inside ourselves where we can experience our sacredness but not everyone can find it.
Once we understand our own sacredness, we can see it in everything and contribute to the betterment of life.
Evolution makes progress through truth, beauty and goodness and the more we can embrace it the more whole our future will be.
Richard A. Bowell has written the book, “The Last Unpolluted Place on Earth is Inside Our Selves”.
Listen to this very insightful interview with Richard and find out why the only real way to make progress is to be true to our soul and pursue its higher purpose. Other than that, all our plans are just talk which is why progress is so hard to see.
Richard is also working with Michael Shewchuk who he met at the UN and Michael’s organization, Human Evolutionary Change, is partnering with Richard to foster this important transformation.
The Gary Null Show – 04.01.16
Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world and plays two great You Tube video clips as well. Look inside the link to watch the You Tube videos.
Joachim Hagopian – The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed
http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-evils-of-big-pharma-exposed/5425382 What’s wrong with America is what’s wrong with Big Pharma. And what’s wrong with Big Pharma is what’s wrong with America. This circular reality is aimed to be thoroughly covered in this presentation. This is the story of how Big Pharma seeks enormous profits over the health and well-being of the humans it serves, and how drug companies invasively …
What Women Must Know – The Missing Pieces for Hormonal Balance with Dr. Andrew Rostenberg, DC – 03.03.16
Andrew Rostenberg, DC, is a chiropractor, kinesiologist, functional medicine expert, methylation researcher, and director of Red Mountain Natural Medicine in Boise, ID. In addition to running a busy practice, Dr. Rostenberg has developed cutting-edge protocols using methylation pathways designed to optimize biochemistry, detoxification, digestion, brain function and more. He founded the methylation research and educational website beyondMTHFR.com as a resource for patients and doctors. He has clinical experience treating patients of all ages and walks of life, ranging from elite athletes and children to those suffering from complex digestive, autoimmune and neurological diseases.