Heart of Mind Radio – 04.15.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis continues to bring forth the wisdom of the “Collective Over-Soul of Human-Earth Embodiment” and offers a meditation for integration with this aspect of our collective higher self. Listeners have an opportunity to call in during the program to ask about their life journey and or obstacles.

Heart of Mind Radio – 04.08.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio our host Kathryn Davis offers “Today’s Now” reading from the Collective Over-Soul of the Human Earth Embodiment. Yes, humanity and the planet herself are one being with one conscious awareness.

We are living at a time of great significance in that now is when all can come into this great awareness. Following the reading Kathryn offers an activation, which is more than a meditation. It is designed to awaken within each one the bubbling stream of truth from source awareness, that which lays at the core of each being.

As we awaken to the source within each of us and allow our life stream to arise from this, source humanity awakens to its power to recreate the existence on earth, allowing love and harmony to rise into the expression of being.

Kathryn is an energy healer, movement teacher and channel of divine energy. This divine energy comes forth through her hands, in her words and from the heart. All human beings have this capacity. It is not unique. But we must turn our attention inward so that we can manifest our individual creation and contribution to the restoration of life on earth.

You can contact Kathryn for personal reading, healing sessions or with your questions. HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com and (347) 480-1694
For more information go to QigongOnLine.net

Let’s Create A Better World – 04.02.16

It’s not going to be as bad as they say. Many people think the world is going to come to end with major financial collapse and natural disasters. However, our guest Sonja Grace with host Bobby Elias and co-host Stefan Rudolph outline how it will not be as bad as they say it’s going to be.

Sonja Grace is an author of ‘Become an Earth Angel’, she is a Mystic and Healer and been featured on many shows and events including Coast to Coast with George Noory. She is an internationally known energy surgeon who works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sonja’s background is a blend of Native American and Norwegian heritage and she has been adopted by the Hopi Reservation where she is considered a medicine woman.

Our discussion is on body, mind and spirit and how we can work our energy to better grow our life.

Sonja is a wonderful medicine woman and works on service to source and helps with the transition of raising our vibration to meet our 5th dimension. She is an “Energy Surgeon” who teaches meditation, energy grounding, intuition awareness.

SAKYONG MIPHAM RINPOCHE – Running Into Meditation

I began to run simply as a way to get some exercise. Soon enough, however, I found myself applying certain principles I have learned in a lifetime of meditating. I’ve incorporated these into my book,Running With the Mind of Meditation. To me, the relationship between meditation and running is natural, for one is a training of the mind and one …

Let’s Create A Better World – 03.12.16

More love…..more happiness,,,…and learning to forgive. Our guest, Dr. Wendy Treynor, a happiness and love coach who overcame Cancer, discusses how the above can help us become better human beings and attain both happiness and forgiveness through a higher state of love. Dr. Wendy is also an author, speaker, scholar and trainer. . Learn how to love yourself and others. Dr. Wendy and myself, Bobby Eiias, also talked about stress, yoga, meditation, kindness, affirmations and self-healing.

Heart of Mind Radio – 12.11.15

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis will focus on the power of the heart to heal and transform. Wellness, Awareness and Transcendence.

In the first segment we speak with Tonia Chauvet and Mary-Lynn Masi, two trainers of Heartfulness Meditation. Heartfulness.org

Heartfulness is a simple and practical way to experience the heart’s unlimited resources. Whether you are seeking stress reduction and relaxation, an individual meditation practice, or a deeper connection to your inner being.

Heartfulness Meditation is a simple, practical technique that you can use alongside any other form of yoga, meditation or practice. In a few minutes you will learn how to relax and feel the lightness and joy of your true nature. You don’t need to know how to meditate or to believe in a particular system or philosophy.The Heartfulness technique shows us to gently turn our attention towards our heart and experience that inner presence for ourselves.

During segment two Kathryn will speak about the NEW Energetic Portal that has opened and is accessible to humanity through awareness and intent. It is a vibration for healing, comfort and restoration. Kathryn also shares a meditation to help activate the process.

Heart of Mind Radio – 07.31.15

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio Kathryn speaks to SueZen about Universal Peace Day. This year’s event is billed as” Ring Bells Around The world for Peace & A World Without War. On Wednesday August 5th to participate in a global event of ringing bells around the world to commemorate the 70th anniversary of dropping o the first atomic bomb …