AMANDA MARCOTTE – Fear, racism, and hatred: Why the gun industry makes so much money off mass shootings

Even though the mass shooting in Orlando over the weekend is the largest in our nation’s history, the fallout is following a standard pattern, a narrative so well-worn that it’s impossible not to become numb to it: Liberals call for gun control, conservatives act like you are trying to take away their precious babies, nothing gets done, everyone eventually drifts …

Kelly Brogan, M.D – Do 5 Million Americans Really Have Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is one of the biggest mental health concerns in the United States, but instead of addressing the true, spiritual nature of the disease, the normal course of treatment involves harmful pharmaceuticals.  This article was originally published on and republished with permission. “I have Bipolar disorder” …say 5.7 million Americans. These patients have been labeled, categorized, and offered an understanding of …

Study reveals incarceration’s hidden wounds for African-American men

There’s a stark and troubling way that incarceration diminishes the ability of a former inmate to empathize with a loved one behind bars, but existing sociological theories fail to capture it, Vanderbilt University sociologists have found. According to a commonly used model of stress and health, the experience of having a family member locked up does not have a significant …

People who admire Renaissance paintings ‘see stress hormone levels drop by 60 per cent’

Experts studied 100 people during a visit to Italy’s Basilica of Vicoforte The famous artwork had a beneficial effect on 90 per cent of participants Saliva tests showed that cortisol levels had reduced by more than half From Modigliani to Hockney, art has long been admired for its contribution to culture. But researchers are now claiming that a creative’s craft …

Celeste McGovern – Big Pharma’s Dirty Little Secret: Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune Injury

Scientists reveal how a hyperactivated immune system can unleash disease Bobby Hunter was 10 years old when his mother noticed her usually energetic boy was struggling to stay awake and he looked exhausted all the time. Then he began collapsing. Eventually Bobby was diagnosed with narcolepsy, a lifelong incurable condition where victims suddenly drop into deep dream sleep, sometimes a dozen times …

Are our smartphones afflicting us all with symptoms of ADHD?

When was the last time you opened your laptop midconversation or brought your desktop computer to the dinner table? Ridiculous, right? But if you are like a large number of Americans, you have done both with your smartphone. Less than a decade after the introduction of the first iPhone, more people reach for their smartphones first thing in the morning than reach …

Death to America: Suicide Surge Parallels Era of Economic Woes

‘Many people view suicide as a mental health problem, but many people who die of suicide do not have a mental health problem,’ explains Kristin Holland of the CDC. Lack of accessible healthcare and economic anxiety believed to play major role in troubling trend. (Photo: Shutterstock) Coinciding with growing income inequality, widespread economic stagnation, and a continued lack of basic …

Toddlers Are Being Given Toxic, Mind-Altering Drugs

These drugs are dangerous enough for adults—so why are we giving them to two-year-olds (and even younger) children? Who exactly has the mental problem here? A story published in The New York Times documents the rising trend of conventional doctors prescribing antipsychotic and psychotropic drugs to children two years old and younger. The report estimates that, in 2014 alone, 20,000 prescriptions were written …