Climate change to shift global pattern of mild weather

As scientists work to predict how climate change may affect hurricanes, droughts, floods, blizzards and other severe weather, there’s one area that’s been overlooked: mild weather. But no more. NOAA and Princeton University scientists have produced the first global analysis of how climate change may affect the frequency and location of mild weather – days that are perfect for an …

The Gary Null Show – 09.23.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary talks with guest Prof. Emrys Westacott on The Wisdom of Frugality – a time for us to reconsider the benefits of living a more simple life. Prof Emrys Westacott is a professor of philosophy at Alfred University in Western New York State, where he has focused on issues related to ethics, the history of philosophy, and …

Nadia Prupis – Climate Change is Here and Now, Dire NOAA Report Warns

Environmental records of all kinds are being shattered as climate change takes effect in real time, scientists warned on Tuesday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) released its annual State of the Climate report with the dire warning that 2015 was the hottest year on record since at least the mid-to-late 19th century, confirming the “toppling of several symbolic milestones” in …

Study: Monsanto’s PCBs Causing ‘Severe Impact’ on Whales and Dolphins

It has been highly reported that biotechnology company Monsanto made attempts to hide the true impact that toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have on the environment, which has led numerous cities to file lawsuits against the company. Now, new research has surfaced on the true effects behind Monsanto’s PCBs and their impact on wildlife. The PCBs have been putting European killer whales and bottlenose striped dolphins at risk. A recently-released …

Thanks, Climate Change. Extreme Weather Wreaking Havoc Across Globe

This year, the natural phenomenon known as El Niño is making the effects of man-made climate change worse, according to experts. And in reverse, climate change is exacerbating El Niño. As Common Dreamsreported earlier this year, temporary warming of surface waters in the Pacific, known as El Niño, drives dramatic shifts in rainfall, temperature, and wind patterns worldwide, and can last for months or …

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson – My Name is Nobody: Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition Amidst all the handwringing across the political spectrum, commentators of every type decry the deplorable conditions that prevail in the parts of the world that have been under attack by the US, NATO, and the historic colonial powers of Europe: Britain and France. That is to say the actions for which the wealthiest countries on Earth, concentrated in the …

The Global Warming Slowdown Is An Illusion

Global warming has not slowed. The so-called hiatus remains just that – so-called. The world is warming as predicted and any apparent evidence that it is not doing so is a statistical illusion, according to US scientists. They report in the journal Climatic Change that they applied “rigorous, comprehensive, statistical analysis” to the global temperature data and came up with …

John Atcheson – Risk, Climate Change, and Black Swans

It’s getting increasingly hard to make a case for the sanity of humanity. “One of the most dangerous scenarios I can conceive of is having the countries of the world agree to their woefully inadequate self-determined emission reduction goals, then walk away with the illusion of victory.” Incredibly, we are heading into negations on the most important issue humanity has …