Progressive Radio Network

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Ellen Kamhi, PHD RN, , speaks with Dr. Eric Kaplan. Eric Kaplan, D.C., D.A.C.N.B, F.A.C.F.N., F.A.B.V.R., F.A.B.C.D.D is an enthusiastic teacher and student of…
There's something the farm lobby doesn't want you to know: how much their use of antibiotics in livestock poses a risk to you and your…
Urgent action is needed to control the use of antibiotics before they cease to work, leaving a number of major conditions untreatable and causing “terrible…
A natural extract derived from India's neem tree could potentially be used to treat pancreatic cancer, according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports. Biomedical scientists…
A new British report commissioned by David Cameron says the use of antibiotics in agriculture is fueling the spread of drug-resistant bacteria and must be…
The overuse of antibiotics in the livestock industry is a growing crisis, sparking a rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria and health concerns among consumers. Fortunately, there…
We live in a time where the dominant mechanistic worldview of the last few centuries is becoming increasingly exposed as an inadequate interpretation of the…
The New Scientist Health published a rather interesting article regarding a thousand-year-old, 9th century Anglo-Saxon ‘antibiotic’ remedy for curing an eye disease, the stye. 

In the midst of fighting super bacteria which are resistant to modern-day antibiotics, a one-thousand year-old Anglo-Saxon potion made out of onions, garlic, wine, and bile from…