Asoka Bandarage – Climate, Consciousness and Social Change

Climate change is a complex phenomenon involving unknown changes in planetary biophysical systems.  However, there is now scientific consensus, that climate change is caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Fossil fuel combustion is considered the primary cause of carbon emissions and climate change worldwide. Scientists warn that unless we are able to bring down carbon emissions rapidly to below 350 …

Plants may not protect us against climate change – Tim Wogan

Plants are one of the last bulwarks against climate change. They feed on carbon dioxide, growing faster and absorbing more of the greenhouse gas as humans produce it. But a new study finds that limited nutrients may keep plants from growing as fast as scientists thought, leading to more global warming than some climate models had predicted by 2100. Plants …

Study: Gulf Stream slower than ever before

The Gulf Stream is the weakest it’s been in the last 1,000 years. And as glacier melt in the Arctic continues to accelerate, the foot of the Atlantic’s most powerful ocean current keeps pressing harder and harder on the brake pedal. A team of researchers recently analyzed an exhaustive catalog of geologic samples — including ice cores, tree rings and …