Project Censored – 05.10.16

For the first half of the program, Peter and Mickey speak with author David Swanson about the state of the U-S peace movement. Then, a look back at the Kent State massacre, now 46 years old. The guests are Laurel Krause, sister of shooting victim Allison Krause, and founder of the Kent State Truth Tribunal, and activist-attorney Michael Kuzma. They discuss recently-discovered evidence, as well as Kuzma’s efforts to obtain documents which could illuminate the FBI’s involvement.

Project Censored – 05.03.16

Peter, Mickey and their guests discuss how to teach critical media literacy, and the role of media literacy in promoting social justice. Rob Williams teaches at the University of Vermont, Robin Williams at Fordham University; Nolan Higdon teaches at several northern California colleges, and is a member of Project Censored’s board.

Project Censored – 04.26.16

Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff spend the hour examining immigration issues. They speak to two undocumented young adults who arrived in the U-S as children. Also on the show are two immigration attorneys, who explain the Obama Administration’s DACA and DAPA actions — one of which is now before the Supreme Court — and the millions of U-S residents affected by them.

Project Censored – 04.19.16

Historian Peter Kuznick joins the program to speak about vital historical information that often isn’t taught in U-S schools, such as the massive death toll of the Vietnam War, or the preponderant role of the USSR in the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II. Peter Kuznick teaches history at American University; he’s co-author of “Untold History of the United States,” and co-producer (with Oliver Stone) of the Untold History cable-TV series. The program concludes with audio excerpts from the Untold History TV series.

This is a rebroadcast of the May 18, 2015 Project Censored Show.

Project Censored – 04.12.16

A last-minute agreement has forestalled a planned faculty strike at the California State University system, the largest higher-education system in the U.S. Peter Phillips, a CSU professor himself, speaks with four other faculty members about academic labor issues, at CSU and nationwide: Jennifer Eagan teaches Philosophy at CSU, and is President of the California Faculty Association, the CSU professors’ union. Andy Merrifield teaches Political Science, Nick Baham teaches Ethnic Studies; both are also CFA officeholders. Nolan Higdon teaches History at multiple campuses; he describes the life of a “road scholar.”
The California State University system has 23 campuses, 26,000 faculty, and over 450,000 students.

This program was recorded on April 8, shortly after the tentative agreement was reached, and days before the one-week faculty strike would have begun.

Mickey Huff will return in two weeks.

Project Censored – 04.05.16

On today’s program, we hear a speech by historian and veteran journalist David Talbot; his latest book “The David Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America’s Secret Government.” He spoke at Sonoma State University, pointing out how many of the abuses of the Bush and Obama Administrations are rooted in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The evening also included an extensive question-and-answer period, in which Talbot and the audience discussed issues ranging from military/intelligence whistleblowers to Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy.

Project Censored – 03.29.16

Peter and Mickey open the program with a wide-ranging conversation with long-time social justice activist Medea Benjamin; the discussion covers topics from trade deals to drone warfare, as well as her latest project of trying to alert Americans about the human rights abuses committed by US ally Saudi Arabia. In the second half of the show, Peter and Mickey speak with nuclear-power whistle blower Arnie Gunderson, who recently returned from a visit to Fukushima, Japan; he warns that radioactive contamination is now pervasive in the Fukushima area, but the Japanese government is trying to avoid addressing the health issues.

Project Censored – 03.22.16

Contrary to the stereotype of apolitical Millenials, students at Sonoma State University in Northern California have organized a Social Justice Week, addressing issues from US foreign policy to local police-brutality cases. Today’s guests are student organizers or guests taking part in Social Justice Week. Also included is a preview of next week’s program, when the guest will be Medea Benjamin of Code Pink.

Project Censored – 02.23.16

Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with author/educator Henry Giroux. Giroux explains the concept of ‘critical pedagogy,’ and the pivotal role that education plays for the whole of society. He warns of the increasing domination of the world by the ultra-rich, and a new form of anti-intellectualism fostered by a failing corporate media. Among the measures the left must take to resist these forces, he names the formation of a third political party, and more academics taking on the duties of public intellectuals, rather than confining themselves to the campus.