Victoria Pope – Much of the Cuisine We Now Know, and Think of as Ours, Came to Us by War

The relish on my plate is Sicilian, a tangy blend of sweet and sour flavors. I can pick out some of the ingredients—eggplant, capers, celery—right away. I haven’t a clue, however, about the forces that came together to create this exquisite vegetable dish. Gaetano Basile, a writer and lecturer on the food and culture of Sicily, does know. He has …

NDC Savings Club – Astrology – Part 2 Predetermined Destiny? – 11.30.16

Shelley Warren     Find out how Astrology can help you on your life journey and what abilities, strengths, weaknesses you have, below see what do you vibrate with: Occult – Psychic – Healer – Doctor – Politics – The Arts – Dancer – Scientist – Nurse – Teacher – Business – Entrepreneur – Worker – Entertainer – Technology – …

Karlfried Graf Dürckheim – Daily Life as Spiritual Exercise

“There is a story that tells of Meister Eckhart’s meeting with a poor man: “You may be holy,” says Eckhart, “but what made you holy, brother?” And the answer comes: “My sitting still, my elevated thoughts, and my union with God.” It is useful for our present theme to note that the practice of sitting still is given pride of …

New University of Alberta study challenges ‘mid-life crisis’ theory

Jan. 11, 2015 – For half a century, the accepted research on happiness has shown our lives on a U-shaped curve, punctuated by a low point that we’ve come to know as the “mid-life crisis”. A number of studies have claimed over the years that happiness declines for most from the early 20s to middle age (40 to 60). Today, …

David Swanson – Iniquity, the 0.000006%, and Who Pays $300k to Hear Hillary

The United States’ 20 wealthiest people (The 0.000006 Percent) now own more wealth than the bottom half of the U.S. population combined, a total of 152 million people in 57 million households. The Forbes 400 now own about as much wealth as the nation’s entire African-American population — plus more than a third of the Latino population — combined; more …

Interview with Clara Lyle from Outstanding in the Field – 10.29.15

Today’s guest is Clara Lyle, the primary photographer and blog writer for Outstanding in the Field. Back in the summer of 1999, Jim Denevan came up with the idea of setting a long table on a farm and inviting the public to an open-air feast in celebration of the farmer and the gifts of the land. It would be a traveling …

A Revolutionary Pope Calls for Rethinking the Outdated Criteria That Rule the World by Ellen Brown

Pope Francis’ revolutionary encyclical addresses not just climate change but the banking crisis. Interestingly, the solution to that crisis may have been modeled in the Middle Ages by Franciscan monks following the Saint from whom the Pope took his name. Pope Francis has been called “the revolutionary Pope.” Before he became Pope Francis, he was a Jesuit Cardinal in Argentina …

The myth of Europe’s Little Ice Age

The Little Ice Age is generally seen as a major event in European history. Analysing a variety of recent weather reconstructions, this column finds that European weather appears constant from the Middle Ages until 1900, and that events like the freezing of the Thames and the disappearance of English vineyards have simpler explanations than changing climate. It appears instead that …

Journalism as Subversion

The assault of global capitalism is not only an economic and political assault. It is a cultural and historical assault. Global capitalism seeks to erase our stories and our histories. Its systems of mass communication, which peddle a fake intimacy with manufactured celebrities and a false sense of belonging within a mercenary consumer culture, shut out our voices, hopes and …