According to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardener, Donald Trump is a “textbook” narcissist. In fact, he fits the profile so well that clinical psychologist George Simon told Vanity Fair, “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.” This puts Trump in the same category as a …
Gareth Porter – Iran Changes the Regional Dynamic
The achievement of “implementation day” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), when for both sides the central elements of the nuclear bargain went into operation on Saturday, means that it is going to be a fact of life in global and regional politics for many years. But will it have a profound impact on regional politics? That is …
Adil E. Shamoo – The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff
Like other totalitarian regimes that have no legitimacy and no base of support, the Saudis are wrapping themselves in religion. Saddam Hussein in the 1990s and currently Bashar al-Assad – the heads of the Baath party in Iraq and Syria – both played the religious card. However, Baathist doctrine in Iraq and Syria is basically irreligious. The Saudis are using …
Paul Craig Roberts – The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud
In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda. In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya were destroyed, and Iran and Syria would also have been destroyed if the President …
Project Censored – 01.19.16
Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with historian Laurence Shoup. Shoup’s new book, Wall Street’s Think Tank, is a study of the Council on Foreign Relations; Shoup describes the CFRas “the most influential private organization in the country,” and traces how it connects major U.S.corporations with government, academia, and media.
Gareth Porter – Iran Changes the Regional Dynamic
The achievement of “implementation day” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), when for both sides the central elements of the nuclear bargain went into operation on Saturday, means that it is going to be a fact of life in global and regional politics for many years. But will it have a profound impact on regional politics? That is …
Leid Stories – 01.15.16
Call It As You See It! Free Your Mind!
Join the conversation about the week’s news and events, or any subject worthy of further discussion and debate, on “Free Your Mind Friday.” The best open forum on the planet, it’s where you call it as you see it. Call in (888-874-4888) and give us your take.
All Together Now – 01.14.16
Eleanor LeCain talks about job opportunities in technology, an innovative program to promote gender diversity in eBay, and encouraging girls to enter technology careers, with Beth Axelrod who was the Senior VP of Global Human Resources at eBay and Richelle Parham who was the Chief Marketing Officer for eBay North America
Project Censored – 01.12.16
Linda Sartor speaks about her experiences as an ‘unarmed peacekeeper’ in conflict zones,
including Occupied Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Her new book is “Turning Fear Into Power: One Woman’s Journey Confronting the War on Terror.”
At the end of the program, Anthony Montero discusses the the Black Radical Tradition Conference taking place in Philadelphia January 8 – 10. Anthony Montero is an organizer of the conference, and taught African-AmericanStudies at Temple University.
Lee Fang – Defense Industry Revenue Forecast Gushes Over Global Turmoil
The global aerospace and defense industry is out of its doldrums. According to a new report by the accounting firm Deloitte, “the resurgence of global security threats” promises a lucrative “rebound” in defense spending. The report alerts investors that “revenue growth” is “expected to take a positive turn” due to the terrorism and war in the Middle East and the tensions in …