Connect The Dots – Tangerine Bolen – 03.01.17

Listen to Tangerine Bolen, founder of Revolution Truth and Wild Bill Lefthand Senior, a member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, speaking about #Jumping Eagle v. Trump the new lawsuit citing environmental injustice against Donald Trump, Energy Transfer Partners and the Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of a dozen plaintiffs from four tribes— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.

Connect The Dots – The Scary Odds of A New York Nuclear Event – 12.21.16

The Scary Odds of A New York Nuclear Event: Listen Paul Blanch, veteran nuclear safety expert, discuss the 1 – 1000 odds of the new Spectra gas pipeline sited at the Indian Point nuclear power exploding and triggering a Fukushima-like nuclear meltdown.

Alexandra Rosenmann – Trump, In the Wake of Standing Rock’s Victory, Is Already Planning Privatization of Native American Lands

The Dakota Sioux living on the Standing Rock reservation celebrated Sunday when news broke that the construction of the North Dakota pipeline had been halted. But their victory may be short lived. The following day, Reuters published an article detailing the upcoming Trump administration plans for Native American lands. Reservations contain 20% of the nations oil, gas and coal reserves, …

Heart of Mind Radio – 11.18.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis features the situation at Standing Rock Dacoka. The Standing Rock Native American Reservation is a Hunkpapa Lakota and Yanktonai Dakota Native American reservation in North Dakota and South Dakota in the United States.

Deirdre Fulton – Betraying Water Protectors, Obama Set to Approve Dakota Access Pipeline

UPDATE: The Obama administration said late Friday afternoon that no decision has been made on the disputed easement for the Dakota Access pipeline. # # # Even as water protectors continued to face off against police on Friday in North Dakota, news outlets reported that the Obama administration is set to approve the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) as early …

This Can’t Be Happening – 09.28.16

Native News Online publisher and editor Levi Rickert reports on developments in the Indigenous community, in particular a meeting in Washington of reps from the 500 Indian Tribes and Nations with government officials to hammer out how to comply with President Obama’s executive order requiring “substantive” talks with Native Peoples’ before any actions by government bodies that impact indian lives and lands. He also updates listeners on developments at Standing Rock, ND, where, ignored by most of the corporate media, the Lakota and their supporters are standing firm against plans for the Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross indian land and sacred sites, threatening the tribe and also environmental disaster. Host Dave LIndorff also discusses the ongoing slaughter of innocents by America’s increasingly violent and militarized police.

This Can’t Be Happening – 09.21.16

Levi Rickert, editor of Native News Online, a national publication about indigenous peoples of North America, talks about what he calls the most significant political action by Native Americans since the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation on the Pine Ridge reservation. He tells how activists from over 200 Indian tribes as well as representatives of indigenous peoples from around the world have converged at Standing Rock in North Dakota to help the local embattled Standing Rock Sioux People defend their land and water against despoilation by the Army Corps of Engineers, which is trying to construct a pipeline across Sioux lands to carry Bakkan Field crude oil to St. Louis.

Winona LaDuke – An Oil Pipeline and a River: What Would Sitting Bull Do?

It’s 2016, and the weight of American corporate interests has come to the Missouri River, the Mother River. This time, instead of the Seventh Cavalry, or the Indian police dispatched to assassinate Sitting Bull, it is Enbridge and Dakota Access Pipeline. In mid-August, Standing Rock Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II was arrested by state police, along with 27 others, for …

Obama Initiative Seeks to Get 4 Million Fourth Graders Exploring America’s Public Lands

With the backing of President Obama, the National Park Foundation has launched a new program encouraging kids to get outside to play, learn and explore. The initiative, Every Kid in a Park, seeks to connect 4 million fourth graders and their families to enjoy America’s public lands and waters. In their campaign message, they put the onus on adults by reminding them that—via our tax dollars—we actually …