Americans were fortunate among people of the Earth to have lived in a nation that, for 236 years, avoided being taken over and controlled by religious extremists. It is a sad commentary, but now that the Republican Party has been taken over by evangelical fundamentalists as a result of Republican demigod Ronald Reagan giving the religious right the keys to …
The Mark Riley Show – 08.26.15
– In questions over Shaun King’s race, activists see challenge to Black Lives Matter movement. Conservative idiots see this as a big issue. Why? Because they’ve got nothing else in their quiver.
– Virginia TV reporter and photographer shot during live broadcast. Yet another instance of the wrong person having access to guns. In this case, it’s allegedly a former employee.
– Louisiana state trooper is killed in shooting at traffic stop. Yes, cop’s lives matter too, and if no one else will say anything about the loss of a life, we will!
– As Donald Trump and Jorge Ramos clash, Latino news media airs its offense. So should blacks, Jews, Asians, and everybody else of good will. That’s just in case Trump actually runs through the primaries.
– Speaking of immigration,
– Asian congresswomen: Bush’s anchor baby comments prove he’s unfit for presidency. Not just JEB…ANYBODY who has a policy of gutting the 14th Amendment is totally unfit. I do have a solution to this nonsense, however.
– Signs, long unheeded, now point to risks in US economy. We Americans are such cockeyed optimists. Yet recent market gyrations could spell trouble, even for average people with no money in markets.
– Marcy Borders, subject of iconic 9/11 dust lady photo dies after battle with stomach cancer. Yet more proof, if any is needed, that the entire area around the World Trade Center was toxic. Marcy Borders was only 42.
– Black women kicked off NAPA wine tour train get apology from CEO after hashtag #Laughing While Black goes viral. Would there have been an apology without the exposure? Probably not.
– Aggressive panhandling costumed characters spread from Times Square to the Battery, Coney Island, sparking turf war, The media in this town are perpetrating the biggest fraud in years in making this a life or death story. And the mayor and governor, in trying to find some flimsy reason to ban the Denudas, are no better than those trying to gut the 14th Amendment.
– Bill de Blasio claims people ‘not buying the hype’ of his bad press. He better be careful, lest they do sometime closer to election day.
Electronic Voting Fraud: A Real Threat to Any Democrat Running for President By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
The way our electoral process now stands, electronic voting machines guarantee a Republican victory in 2016. No matter what she does, Hillary Clinton – or any other Democratic nominee – cannot be elected without a fundamental change in the basic mechanics of how our votes are cast and counted. It is a profoundly disturbing reality that casts a long shadow …
Meet the New Shadow Bank (It’s a Lot Like the Old Shadow Bank) by Tracy Alloway
Good definitions of shadow banking — the ominously-titled corner of the financial system — are hard to come by. One of the more broader definitions used by the Financial Stability Board includes any vehicle that provides credit and leverage and which falls outside the realm of traditional regulated banking. That would mean anything from hedge funds and private equity to non-bank mortgage lenders. A more narrow definition suggest that …
Israel and the Water Card By Paul R. Pillar
Israel is the object of widespread admiration for its economic and technical accomplishments and the ingenuity that went into them — for being a nation that made the desert bloom. Much of the admiration is quite warranted, with Israeli talent and resourcefulness having not only produced blooms on kibbutzes but also a leading high-tech sector today. The comparisons involved, however, …
Israel and the Water Card By Paul R. Pillar
Israel is the object of widespread admiration for its economic and technical accomplishments and the ingenuity that went into them — for being a nation that made the desert bloom. Much of the admiration is quite warranted, with Israeli talent and resourcefulness having not only produced blooms on kibbutzes but also a leading high-tech sector today. The comparisons involved, however, …
How You Can Help Prevent an Arctic Nightmare – Michael Brune
I had a terrible nightmare: President Mitt Romney approved Shell Oil’s drilling plans for the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska. He did it even though his own Department of the Interior calculated that the odds of a large oil spill were 75 percent. He did it even though no proven method exists to respond to such a spill. He did …
Wall Street Titans Who Crashed Global Economy in 2008 Go Big for TPP – Jon Queally
Even as millions and millions of Americans—represented by thousands of labor, environmental, family farm, consumer, faith, Internet freedom and other advocacy organizations—continue to stand firmly in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, those backing the TPP, including President Obama and a large majority of the Republican caucus, still have two dedicated demographic groups pledging their allegiance to the cause and arguing the …
Poll: Democrats losing grip on young voters – DANIELLE OHL
The Democratic Party may be losing its overwhelming hold on the nation’s youngest voters – suggesting trouble holding the White House. Millennial voters, ages 18-29, are not as decidedly Democratic as when Barack Obama was on the presidential ticket, according to a new poll by the Institute on Politics at Harvard University. Today, they say they’d vote for a Democrat …
Reichstag on the Potomac or ‘Planet of the Apes’?
There are some famous film clips of the US Congress that stand the test of time. One is of attorney Joseph Welch as s subpoenaed witness denouncing the redbaiting charlatan Sen. Joseph McCarthy during his hearings into alleged Communist infiltration of the military and the government. “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?” Welsh says angrily, as the …