Progressive Radio Network

MMR vaccine controversy

Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it's not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by…
They say this is the final nail is in the coffin of the vaccine safety debate. But whose coffin? Last week, JAMA, the Journal of the American…
For those who may be critical of the process of vaccination, particularly its safety and effectiveness, it is a known fact that there has never…
I have a daughter who has a diagnosis of both  AUTISM and AUTOIMMUNITY. They are connected and not just for her but for thousands like…
A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics claims to delineate the source and spread of measles during the widely hyped Disneyland measles outbreak, of course…
The current measles outbreak and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear…
When we think about vaccine injuries such as autism and epilepsy, we generally consider a direct assault on the brain. But the reality may be…
As children age, we encourage them to eat well, battle to get them to eat their vegetables and avoid sugars -- all to give them…
Augustina Ursino VacTruth, March 14, 2015   This historical vaccine injury case, to be ruled on in court soon, involves a doctor who seriously put…
Immunocompromised: immune system suppression due to any medical condition, drug or treatment. Proclaiming the need to protect immunocompromised children from the unvaccinated is the cause…